E Mails


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2010
Reaction score
Any one know how I can delete E mails. Every tread that I subscribed too on the forum I get E mails of all the posts, currently I have over 1600 and can only delete them 1 at a time, take me for ever, Is there a way that it can be done in 1 go, and how can I stop getting them.
at the bottom of the email there is link to unsubscribe from these emails. depending on which email you use (yahoo, google etc) there should be an option to mark all or select all something along those lines, then simply delete.

hope this helps.
Hi Brandy. If you go to the user cp section,top left on the page here,you can unsubscribe to the threads you have posted in & should stop you getting the emails,that tell you of new posts on those threads.
Hope this is of use to you.
Me,still trying to figure out how computers work !!!
Brandy, for scaff forum,
go into your user cp (top left) click on edit options half way down on left hand side,
on the messaging and notifications page half way down there is a drop down menu, (here you can unsubscribe from the posts automatically without doing it every time you post).

as for your accumulated emails, like chris said there should be a box which lets you delete atleast a full page at a time,
which email do you have? hotmail etc etc
Thanks lads, I think I managed to stop more e mails not very good on cumputers, clicked on user CP as suggested and found some PM's that I did'nt know about, some were sent a while back and I appologise to all that sent them for not replying, I did'nt know I had them. also some members wished to be on friends list which is very nice and I'm honoured to accept. Always a silver lining, would'nt have known without your help. Thanks again.
Thanks lads, I think I managed to stop more e mails not very good on cumputers, clicked on user CP as suggested and found some PM's that I did'nt know about, some were sent a while back and I appologise to all that sent them for not replying, I did'nt know I had them. also some members wished to be on friends list which is very nice and I'm honoured to accept. Always a silver lining, would'nt have known without your help. Thanks again.

That might explain why I got my message to you pinged back this morning.:amuse:
Must of been AOM, but sent you a new one "I think". Did'nt know about the user cp but managed to do a few things on it, was able to put my location, did'nt know how before. I'm beginning to become a Proper Advanced computer whizz, never know might be able to put up an avator next.
That one will do nicely Jackdan, She can fill my glass anytime.
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