drivers CPC


Active member
Jan 7, 2011
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ok guys, how many of you out there have had any 'Driver CPC' traing yet??

The area is a bit grey but just interested to get a bit of feed back from you guys that are out?
as far as i know we don't need it as scaffoldin our full time job not driving, but i could be wrong!
There has been a few threads on this with varying degree's of accurate information. I have decided to get it done for a few reasons but most of all if you need to seek legal advice to defend your position then to my mind you are already sailing far too close to the wind. The thing to remember is you won't be trying to explain why you don't need it to the boy's in blue as they will just charge you and move on, it will be a magistrate who will have no time for you clogging up the system and that could all get very messy very quickly. They say if it's 7.5t or less and you're hauling your own gear you don't need it but even carrying a passenger could negate that. It all get's a bit complicated and as per usual it's just easier to do it.
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this is where it seems to get a bit tricky, ive been getting myself set up to start conducting CPC training an how ive been told is that if you use your vehicle to go to the job including taking all your tube, boards etc with you, work all day then use the truck to go back to the yard then you can be exempt.

however its when you start going to other jobs during the day that things change and would require you to have a drivers cpc, or so ive been told. This came from a traffic officer that was on a course i was on, he got the info from VOSA?

anyone heard any different?
The thing is SR, you maybe exempt carrying your own gear but anyone who works for you is carrying someone else's gear, namely your's. You won't get a definitive answer here or anywhere else as there isn't one, it's all very ambiguous, just the way they like it.
the thing with VOSA and the police is that they can interpret the letter of the law anyway they want. And trust me when september 2014 comes along it will be another money making exercise for the police.
Ive heard reports that in certain traffic areas down south that people with 4x4's and horse boxes are now been targeted by vosa an plod to obtain a 'goods vechiles operating license' The way they're getting them, is that if your kid wins a trophy or rosette then thats classed as a reward and yeh youve guessed it the whole operates license is based on 'hire and reward'......the reward been the rosette!! You may laugh at this but this info has come from traffic cops who have been told to enforce it!!

I guess we'll just have to wait an see!!
Most cops I have met have no idea of what the term hire or reward means. I don't doubt some wee ne'er do well will try and use this one day but like the copper who tried to charge me for the same offence whilst transporting my own cherry picker it will never see a court of law.
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