dont paye to think.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2010
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myself and animal were working at enfield pwr station on a mini outage on the
last day which was a friday we bunged the folklift driver 20 we could
load lorrie quicker and get away early.the following week we were 2 hours
short in our wages.when we told our boss he said i must be paying you to ante my problem you want to give your wages away.let this be a lesson lads.
Sounds poor form to me dico, the gaffer should be bunging the forklift driver anyway. That's what happens when you are off the spanners too long.
spot on AOM do some lads good to go out on the tools for the odd week , remind them how hard it is some times, hard to get good lads , i was always believe your only as good as your lads :)
myself and animal were working at enfield pwr station on a mini outage on the
last day which was a friday we bunged the folklift driver 20 we could
load lorrie quicker and get away early.the following week we were 2 hours
short in our wages.when we told our boss he said i must be paying you to ante my problem you want to give your wages away.let this be a lesson lads.

Was it Alltask?
dico sounds like youre working for an arsewipe, you give the forky a bung to get youre gaffs lorry's unloaded quicker and he takes it of your wages. theres loads of work out there for scaffs with tickets, leave the ****.
thats nasty!

when i worked at Speedy they used to pay the forklift driver to do anything we told him! ocassionally if we wanted something even quicker we would buy his breakfast just to keep him sweet!

Your boss sounds like a nice caring guy!

well im off to put some edge protection in around a block of flats for Monday, oh how i do love sledgin on a pitched roof on a foot of snow and ice! My boss is sooo caring toooo!
ha ha my mate didnt turn in and my boss usually comes with me when that happens!


I cant go on that roof!!! (said by boss) prob would have been fine if i was with my mate!

oh well whats a scaff to do! back to the warmth of my house!
your boss is a tit . my supervisor was messing the forklift driver about not giving him a back hander for lifts . so the fork lift driver refused to do any lifts until he got some money . a wagon turned up and needed tipped so said supervisor paid the other forklift driver who had never done any lifts for us 20 pound to tip the wagon . this forklift and driver were only onsite that one day so we couldnt use them again .obviously the regular fork lift driver refused point blank to ever do a lift for us again . so for the sake of a back hander of 20 pound a week ly^&*"$ had to hire a fork lift and an agency driver for about five month . so it probably cost 10 - 15 grand rather than 400 pound .yes this was the tescos security guard .

---------- Post added at 06:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 PM ----------

regulars on here will of heard about this tescos security guard before . the same one that tried to make me stagger the standards on a 2 lift job "to keep it right "
the same one that tried to staff his 1st lift lift off the floor on a building site
the same one that decided every joint in the ledgers had to be 300mm from the standard rather a third of the bay then change the bay sizes down from the 2m on the drawing to 1.8 m meaning that we had to cut a butt of the end of over a 1000 brand new 21 s . this is what we work with now . lads used to work there way up in companys to become supervisors but now its all about sucking cock and covering arses
what a tit!

but i do like the idea of staffing the 1st lift off the floor, it would probably make my jobs look alot neater!
mine too on a price job mate . work to the standards of the company your on for , as long as its not going to fall over and nobodys going to fall off then that will do me when im in a hurry
yeah im on price!

love it if im not on a site and on a private job, easily make the cash but when you get on site (council houses etc.) its a bit harder now than it used to be, more gear, different ways of working safely, no gear, nothing to strip silly woman not defrosting her window and driving into my wagon and taking it off the road for 3 days!
i spent most of my time scaffolding on price and never even tried to work safe . geting harder to get away with it but it still happens regularly. bombing from 14 lifts . it wasnt me
i think back to even 7 years ago, i remember seeing chimney rigs being stripped and the gear thrown straight off the stack and speared into the back garden!

quick way to strip, the labourer takes a little more time pulling them out of the ground but hey thats character building for the little runts!
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