Does this still happen???


Well-known member
May 29, 2010
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When I was workin for Mills bro's in cov we used to get paid in cash friday night.

It was a regular sight every friday that most of the blokes wives would be waiting outside the yard gates some with kids to grab the old man to get some money off him before he went and pi**ed it all up the wall...

Some of the real mad men used to clear off down the yard and climb the fence to freedom..

Their wives went hungry....
hahaha.she done that to me she would be down the divorse courts.
most scaffs i worked with hav had 3 marriages , 3 houses one drink problem , one gambling problem , the wives and houses are gone but the drink an gambling still about lol:laugh:
Must be me, my better half says I'm like rocking horse s**t, still married after 24 years!!!! Mind you shes always been round scaffolding, worked in accounts. Have to have more tricks up me sleeve than most :cool:
been married 26 years , you just gotta be one step ahead of the game, a bit of give and take, i get out on the p*** once a week without any hassle :D
only once a week phill - what do you do with ya spare time mate
sussed , my biggest problem has allways been what to do early evenin , hence go to the pub and 9 times out of 10 that turns into a session , ive been on the dry a whole month now , just workin to 7pm instead ha
When I was workin for Mills bro's in cov we used to get paid in cash friday night.

It was a regular sight every friday that most of the blokes wives would be waiting outside the yard gates some with kids to grab the old man to get some money off him before he went and pi**ed it all up the wall...

Some of the real mad men used to clear off down the yard and climb the fence to freedom..

Their wives went hungry....

Feck me I thought this only happened to us!!!
great sight, see them Monday for a sub:eek:
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