Dodgy Elbow


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
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I'm a self builder putting a loft extension on his semi.
7 months ago I erected 3 tonne of scaffold around my house to give myself access:
3 lifts, 500 fittings and several steel beam connnections later my right arm and elbow had become useless and limp, I'd obviously strained something (being paranoid I must have been overtightening everything), I tried to work through it, but by January I had to stop all work, as it had got to the point where I couldn't turn door handles or hold a cup of tea, and being right handed its been a right pain. Its getting better, but am just worried I might jump back in to building too soon and reinjure myself.

Is this injury common to scaffolding, and any scaffolders had similar experiences - and how friggin long does it take for this type of injury to recover, I've been laid up for 4 months now.

Your wise words appreciated.
Extra ...
Common enough in our trade although your's seems pretty extreme. You didn't get it just building one scaffold no matter how much you over torqued the fittings but an impact wrench and ibuprofen will help alleviate your troubles.
what a c o c k should of got the profesionals in

you will have to stop pulling yourself to bits
I had Tennis elbow years ago, had to have op as every fitting i turned the pain would shoot throughout the arm, now been off last 7mths due to shoulder repairs, oh what a great game this scaffolding is.
I had tennis elbow too, I couldn't seem to get my backhand returns in... Quick switch to badminton and everything was fine...
I suffered with tennis elbow in left arm the only way I could get rid of it was to pay private for extracorporeal shock wave therapy it wasn't cheap but it worked .i may have to do it on my right arm which is in agony at the moment.or you can try oppo tennis elbow strap it stops pain while its on the tighter the better hope this helps
Elbows and wrists all get shot to bits scaffolding you learn to just live with it that and anti inflammatory pain killers and beer
Anti inflamitrys are ok until they do your guts in ie bringing up blood I can't take them any more
Thanks for your replies, so its common amomg scaffs, wrists suffer a lot, I should have rested it for a week or so and not worked on with it, think thats what did all the damage, taking ages to recover.

I have a Makita impact driver, maybe I could use that to get the rest of the third lift up, and take it down.

Ibuprofen - nasty stuff, causes dispepsia (which I've suffered) and rots your guts, bringing on stomach ulcers eventually, great for a hangover, but it takes its toll on your bodies largest blood filled organ - the stomach. The packet should have a big warning on the side !
now people might understand what we have to endure to earn a living,and maybe understand why we demand decent money for our efforts.
I've damaged quite a few things Scaffolding....fortunately the insurance pays for most of it :D

I alleviate my personal injuries with Cider ;)

So, in common with many Scaffolders, it's my brain that is most damaged :eek:
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