Do scaffolders have a macho image abroad?


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2011
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West end London
At work this morning and brought this fascinating subject up

We all know of our reputation on British shores not just by other trades but many of the public recognise it as well as a tough/macho job with hard men to suit,imo theres a lot of us that plays up to the reputation and are softies at heart ( me especially :D ) but obviously more than our fair share of nutters lol

My question is how is the image of scaffolders in other countries?

In particular places like oz,usa ( rednecks ), Poland, Lithuania, Russia etc places where the blokes are quite tough to say the least
I have met a few Aussie and NZ scaffolders over the years and they are just like us
This job just makes you that way ,
It's not about being a hard man ,
it's about every day your life is on the line so you don't tend
To be easy scared by some retard who thinks he is a bit of a geezer ,
That and the fact your strong and fit
I'm quite a mellow chap as I'm sure you'll all agree. . . and I'll f@ckin nut any c@nt that says any different.
I have met a few Aussie and NZ scaffolders over the years and they are just like us
This job just makes you that way ,
It's not about being a hard man ,
it's about every day your life is on the line so you don't tend
To be easy scared by some retard who thinks he is a bit of a geezer ,
That and the fact your strong and fit

Yes I must admit the one I always get ppl with is when they try and give it ie brickies/ office bods etc I say a) could you do our job and b) what's the square route of 724 :laugh:

Its not hard to be scared by this ugly retard thou phil.....

View attachment 3329

Wow I've got hair!!!!!!! Frame this me thinks

I'm quite a mellow chap as I'm sure you'll all agree. . . and I'll f@ckin nut any c@nt that says any different.

That pic shows that we are made for each other Pete your a mellow fellow and I'm chewing a brick!!!! :laugh:
the job hardens you
we take a risk everyday we leave our houses to go to work
we lead a path for others to follow
we play hard probably due to the facts already stated
although there are many scaffs i have worked with who really are dangerous,ex lifers are among some of my former collegues But i was brought up to with the statement "HE BLEEDS LIKE YOU BLEED" so it was never an issue.
going back to the original i have had the joy of working in a few different places and i would say its the same all over SCAFFS ARE MACHO/HARD WHATEVER.
I was on a barge off malta and there was about 500 indians coming aboard to do the "hook up" as we watched them come on me and my scouse mate seen these bigger guys come on with a bit of a beer gut and looking a Tad rough.We nudged one another and said i bet theyre scaffs and yes they were.;)
the job hardens you
we take a risk everyday we leave our houses to go to work
we lead a path for others to follow
we play hard probably due to the facts already stated
although there are many scaffs i have worked with who really are dangerous,ex lifers are among some of my former collegues But i was brought up to with the statement "HE BLEEDS LIKE YOU BLEED" so it was never an issue.
going back to the original i have had the joy of working in a few different places and i would say its the same all over SCAFFS ARE MACHO/HARD WHATEVER.
I was on a barge off malta and there was about 500 indians coming aboard to do the "hook up" as we watched them come on me and my scouse mate seen these bigger guys come on with a bit of a beer gut and looking a Tad rough.We nudged one another and said i bet theyre scaffs and yes they were.;)
Well said bro. I'll meet you soon enough and we can put the world to rights over a pint of TL or two.
You're a glesga scaff, for all I know, I've worked with you before. ;)

---------- Post added at 11:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------

I like that analogy happy, we are trailblazers. We give the sh1tebags access to the high reaching areas of structures they could never hope to reach. We are a band of brothers.
Salt of the f@cking earth, every good scaffolder I've ever met. Too many f@ckin useless charlatan b@stards in our game also though. I blame Mosley for that though. The training for scaffs is a f&cking joke. Any pr1ck with a couple of g's can be a gold card holder in a couple of years.
I've met these young cocks that want the same money as me because they've just rolled out of inchinnan with aw the gear n no idea!
Scaffolding macho? Do me a favour.

How can it be considered macho with all your SG, TG, harnesses, gloves, lifting bags, only lift 25kg etc. In Oz they call it high risk work but with all the safety equipment and rules it is about as risky as a padded cell.

Now years ago scaffolders were macho and hard especially the Jocks. I can remember them working offshore north of the arctic circle with no shirts on and banging up hangers everywhere wearing kilts and no underpants. Now that's macho.
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