Disillusioned ex-scaff thinking about getting back into it..


New member
Jun 28, 2011
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Hello everyone.
Yeah, well the title says it all. I was in the scaffolding game for 25+ years until I got shafted (ok, let's call it "laid off") by the last company I worked for. Anyway, it's been almost 3 years now since I've turned a spanner and I see the wages being offered are pretty crap, considering what I was earning 3 years ago. So the question is, should I get back into scaffolding, or do you think I've left it too long? I'm now getting on a bit, 47 years of age, so maybe I'm just past it!
Hello everyone.
Yeah, well the title says it all. I was in the scaffolding game for 25+ years until I got shafted (ok, let's call it "laid off") by the last company I worked for. Anyway, it's been almost 3 years now since I've turned a spanner and I see the wages being offered are pretty crap, considering what I was earning 3 years ago. So the question is, should I get back into scaffolding, or do you think I've left it too long? I'm now getting on a bit, 47 years of age, so maybe I'm just past it!

Get your arse back in the game mate.
T5 wouldn't have been T5 without you.

Ill get you a start tomorrow if you want.
Decent money too. ;)

And yes mate.
I AM me... the same Jason Gibbs from Palmers - Heathrow T5, back in 2005. :)
Well, thanks for all the welcomes. Yeah i'd like to get a start back but all the jobs I ever seem to see are for poxy agencies... Don't really want to go down that route unless it's a last resort. And hello Jason, good to see you here, you miserable git! All I want is a decent paying job, at least £130 a day (yeah, same as I was getting 3 years ago but wtf, getting that amount seems a rarity these days), oh, and about 2 years to break myself back into the game gently... ;)
Eh up hairy, my OH is the same age as you and he's like the veritable rat up a drainpipe despite that and 2 rather damaging RTIs. :)
welcome Hairybreath, Have you thought about getting a office job running men and doing the planning of work? could be a littel bit easyer on your BODY mate...
Good luck let us all know how your getting on with the scaff steps ?
Hi and Welcome To The Scaffolders Forum!

Best Regards

SF Admin
to old at 47 :weird:there years of ware left in yi man, wat yi playin at, get yer hairy ass back on the job :cool: and stop feckin abat init
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