Disclosure Scotland

u need it to get on any mod nuclear jobs it tells the company your previous convictions u can do it online 25 quid fraser:blink1:
a load of sh#t some smart arse had a idea to charge lads 25quid so they would know if you ever nicked the rubber of granmars crutch,turned the tortuise round after it took allday toget to the bottom of the garden or forged a sicknote for a dayoff school,am sure what there really looking for isnt relevent to our industry anyway and wouldnt make any difference to you getting the job so the bottom line is 2million construction workers times 25quid nice little wedge for some t'wt.
I had to get one done for dungeness,
I have crim record for no insurance 16 years ago,
Thought I was gonna get turned down over it, cause it took nearly 6weeks for some reason, anyway I got the ok,
When I started on dungey, I got talking to a guy, who had just got out of nick 7 months before, his crime, 9 years for armed robbery,
Don't know what the hell I was worried about hey.
went down to peterborough to work on a new prison that was being built.
we had to fill in forms declaring everything we had ever been up to.
one boy from belfast but originally a geordie told the geezer he had been caught with a hand gun in belfast and also 2000 eccys.
in his defence he declared that the handgun was stripped and not put together and he never had any ammo.
yet another who went over to harlands and got a using by the loyalist paramilitarys who he thought were his pals.
All nuclear disclosures are vetted at Harwell in Oxford, and the main criteria boys is Honesty it don't matter what previous or spent convictions you have if you don't disclose them you are deemed to be dishonest even for not disclosing a very minor offence IE a breach of the piece.

If you never disclosed a minor offence, don't be surprised if a ex murderer gets the job because he disclosed spent convictions, that's how pedantic the Basic check system is.

PS don't disclose Irish relatives slows the whole process down. no disrespect Brandy, Irish links are investigated.
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i have got a criminal record, about 20 convictions and spent 4 months in her majestys pleasure, do ya think that would ever stop me getting in to places like power stations or off shore?? i hope it wouldn't like cos mite have to think of a new occupation lol
I think 90% of scaffs will have some sort of criminal record, one of the firms I worked for in London tried to get a few of us on the house of parliament, they came back & told us Guy Fawkes had more chance of getting on!!! :laugh:
Only sites that vet U Ste is usually Nuclear, as already stated if you are honest and disclose your previous / spent convictions you will get a pass in about 3 to 6 weeks depending on backlog.

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 PM ----------

Only sites that vet U Ste is usually Nuclear, as already stated if you are honest and disclose your previous / spent convictions you will get a pass in about 3 to 6 weeks depending on backlog.

If your brother in law is called Mohammed, you can kiss the baby:)
a load of sh#t some smart arse had a idea to charge lads 25quid so they would know if you ever nicked the rubber of granmars crutch,turned the tortuise round after it took allday toget to the bottom of the garden or forged a sicknote for a dayoff school,am sure what there really looking for isnt relevent to our industry anyway and wouldnt make any difference to you getting the job so the bottom line is 2million construction workers times 25quid nice little wedge for some t'wt.

Scotland Disclosure isnt just for nuke powerstations, you have to do it for child care and teaching, just be honest in what you say, ive had arsonists and murderers work at powerstations.
Scotland Disclosure isnt just for nuke powerstations, you have to do it for child care and teaching, just be honest in what you say, ive had arsonists and murderers work at powerstations.

also met Murderers T usually Jocks about 5ft 5, reabiliteded by the way.:huh::huh::huh:
Beware of the wee ginger jock.:noworry:
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