Thanks for opening the thick scaff door aom, cant let you get away with nobody complained at 2008 mate, stating that the hse have adopted it and thatsit I think you will find two thirds of scaffolders are against it because we haven't been consulted....random percentage I know but thats what nasc have done when they say they represent most of us....they do not.....when nasc make the document, the hse need consultation if it works so who do they ask .....nasc on the back of the lie they represent us its absolute cartel bllshit !
why not use lighter tube, talk about proper breaks for heavy labour,
why methods that have kept us safe for years are being completely disreguarded,
the statistics for falls of scaffs and why methods are introduced on the back of real evidence
, actual medical advice backing up methods ie.two feet close together on a step hemping can only be bad for your lumbar,
I know this does not need to be in the tg documents but it should be the basis for methods and risks assessed surely!
Scaffs would get behind safer practices but not when those practices cant be backed up with proven stats or evidence.....also with nasc being so self serving its like the worst pr so they are double fuked !!!!
These documents are ultimately moneymakers and they should ultimately be safety and better method orientated, I fail to see a case for otherwise of anyone :sad2:
I know this seems more sg4 related but its not, it seems to me the tg docs are now leading everything!