Diamond Alloy Beams


Well-known member
May 21, 2010
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How long have these beauties been out and how much to buy.
Don't know, haven't managed to blag a set yet.:cool:
Great bit of kit aom,a bit on the expensive side would of put a photo up but no camra on phone :(
Yeah, there are a few pics on the album section, they look good but I'm afraid we are still putting in additional ordinary beams. We are not Scaffy, I think he get's them from beaver for 2 bob.:D
Not sure if they make the diamond beam anymore?

I tired to get some, but had no luck

There are other better makes out there now though!
Contact John Beck at apollo cradles and say I put you forward .. 07768431104
I have a load of 750mm beams for sale in 2m 3m and 4m lengths.

All in London

havent done a lot of street work but when i was on olde street london a few years a go we had 5 brand new alley beams drop off on a friday afternoon we put them behind a heron fencing and bolted the fence when we turned up monday they had gone lol!!!! what makes it worse they never re bolted the fence. on the thursday riki butcher
from east enders was opening a hairdressers. next door reckon he had them!!!!!!
Was only wondering because with it getting closer to christmas and the price of ali and lots of fellas out of work might be a good idea to lock these out of the way :D
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