Dewali Scaffulding Co Is bac

Ikram Dewali

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
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Hey yu guys
juust saying Dewali Scaff Co is well back in businesses
gonna take on everthung and get tin all the wurk,
Kamrun khan rajophut is un burd too.


just surted mi new offices and mi new duesk
Good to hear it ikram not too happy about yer paaall kamran he is racist towards me.
Have you dropped your prices i heard you were getting too pricey for the market is it true.
Were have you been didi you get one of the new cards that are on offer in dubai,do you know the prices;)
why wot rajphut say, i will lash himings and pull off his toeniels for the outrages
nice wee tidy job there Paaall,cant really slag it maybe needs a toeboard must have slipped your mind.
thanks for wanting to punish Kamran he was calling me a french frog it did make me sad but please dont punish him too hard i think he meant it as a joke;)
no Kamrun strixctly office man nuw, he mien man is guy everybudy call tony balony
he has been bodygurd in sas and wurk all rund world, he been doorman at big clubs and he been in army and once guy pullin gun on hims and he snatched it owt of guys hand and take gun apart and say shhoot me nows, he like a machine, he know eveythung bout scaffulding, he tell me all this today
im sure iv met this tony somewhere keep the good work up by the way and get tony a sssmts ticket sounds the type a guy who would covet one of them.
he say he don't need ing tickets as he got specuil rights for queen swearvices says
tickets for puissys or summat
services for queens ?
is he wokling in poofy night clubs and getting extra money from the punters,maybe this is why he doesnt want to go to CITB College as the real scaffs will find him out hes a batty boy.
he may be telling untruths to you Ikram do a backgroung check;)
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