Dangers on site



House building site.

The constant near miss I get on housing sites is when installing the next lift you raise the boards, especially the inside board & you get a block come sliding down.

The brickies place there spare blocks or bricks on top of the wall they just built!!

Always bringing that one up with site agents & they never want to listen!!

Not so much the 'Brickies' fault, but there,arsewipe the hodcarrier, they think they need to load up, 20 lifts in front of the 'Brickies'.

They cant plan or organise there work like the 'Scaffs' they just pile it on the top of the walls, where we put the brickguards, lazy bastards.

We all call 'Brickies' however, its there little arsewipe hod carriers that i get up for work for 2 hrs earlier, than need be, just so i can hate them that much longer:mad:
yes true paddy iv not been on sites 4 years new builds but ave been recently and ive noticed the same thing there **** at it i hate the tw@ts
when hod carriers actually used to use a hod they would count every brick that was needed and that was all they would carry up , now they just crane or fork lift up bricks like they are going out of circulation
when hod carriers actually used to use a hod they would count every brick that was needed and that was all they would carry up , now they just crane or fork lift up bricks like they are going out of circulation

The thick cunts cant even count now, unless they take there socks and shoes off.

---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 PM ----------

Ive just moderated myself for excessive bad language, i must apologise if i have made a :eek::eek::eek::eek:of myself, i might ban myself now for 24hrs
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