CV... it IS needed nowadays.



I just surfed the jobrapido website advertising jobs.
Every one was application 'online'. It seems these days that you have to apply to apply for a job as you cant get through to any company without having to write out a half hour profile to every job advertised.
Its getting ridiculous.
Are they doing away with telephones?:mad:

I completely agree.
Easy a few years ago, to pick up a copy of the Evening Standard on a Friday afternoon and go through the several Scaffolding jobs in there, ring up, speak to a Supervisor, agree a rate/hours/van/etc and - job done, new start for Monday.

Unfortunately now its all CV, CV, CV.
Its not gonna change either.

Ive had my CV for about 8 years... granted back then it wasnt very good, but with each new 'decent' project you work on = a feather in your cap and addition to your CV.
Better you make your CV, the more chance of getting a decent, longer, more prestigious job, better money and so on.


Just can be time consuming (an hour, if that) making up that first template.
Once its done, its done, just the occasional update will be needed. :idea:

In my opinion, well worth the effort to make up a CV and spam as many emails as you can with it. ;)

Just an idea.
Could it also be easy to hijack as well?
Its ok all being in the data banks, but I repeat, I have yet to land a single job relating to CV's even though the one I have made is quite impressive as CV's go. Every job I have landed was by enquiring in the office or by phone.
never had a cv never had a problem all by phone or word of mouth except for last few months but i dont think thats down to a cv
Could it also be easy to hijack as well?
Its ok all being in the data banks, but I repeat, I have yet to land a single job relating to CV's even though the one I have made is quite impressive as CV's go. Every job I have landed was by enquiring in the office or by phone.

John i think we're old school pal,and the cv concept is very relevant to the younger generations as everything is computer driven nowadays,but i would be very wary about taking someone on on the strength of their cv,however the big boys do it all the time for convenience,and who can blame them,imagine the time labour and cost their saving by simply picking say ten cv's out of thousands,their job done,move on to the next stage,along as you have your tickets and wear the ppe they dont care whether or not you can actually scaffold,as for me dont bother sending me your cv because it means feck all to me,what i'm interested in is if you can scaffold safely and swiftly and dont bring me all kinds of grief,fulfill that criteria and the jobs a good un;)
Surely a CV is just an introduction? No one would employ someone on the strength of a CV alone. References should be checked. In Australia's mining industry it is a rigorous process that can also involve the referees being verified to ensure they are genuine.

Just for the record I have never landed a job or even been offered one relating to a CV. However I have been offered loads of jobs on the website LinkdIn. Its worth joining fellahs.
Its about moving with the times fellas.
Staying a step ahead of everyone else.
Ive been asked to send loads of CV's off, when looking for work, quite a few employers specifically ask for a CV and checkable references.

Surely an hour making up a CV, which dont cost a penny gives you another angle to try when looking for work?, rather then just a phone call?

Also, being considered 'good' at what you do, is nothing more then an opinion... people either like you or they dont.
Ive worked with Scaffolders who've been working for the same Firm for 20+ years, who CANNOT Base-out an 8ft x 8ft Tower and others who could smash up a very good Temporary Roof, who get sacked within 3 weeks because they dont have the right 'attitude'.

Word of mouth is fine, but again, when do you ever hear: "i know a Scaff, i dont like him, but hes good at his job"??

You dont... its: "ive got a mate", regardless of his ability, timekeeping, reliability, so on.

Word of mouth and jumping from a small circle of Firms, your 'known on', is fine.
But surely, if you wanna broaden your horizons and give yourself a much better chance of getting work, you need to make use of EVERY available angle, no??
its about moving with the times fellas.
Staying a step ahead of everyone else.
Ive been asked to send loads of cv's off, when looking for work, quite a few employers specifically ask for a cv and checkable references.

Surely an hour making up a cv, which dont cost a penny gives you another angle to try when looking for work?, rather then just a phone call?

Also, being considered 'good' at what you do, is nothing more then an opinion... People either like you or they dont.
Ive worked with scaffolders who've been working for the same firm for 20+ years, who cannot base-out an 8ft x 8ft tower and others who could smash up a very good temporary roof, who get sacked within 3 weeks because they dont have the right 'attitude'.

Word of mouth is fine, but again, when do you ever hear: "i know a scaff, i dont like him, but hes good at his job"??

You dont... Its: "ive got a mate", regardless of his ability, timekeeping, reliability, so on.

Word of mouth and jumping from a small circle of firms, your 'known on', is fine.
But surely, if you wanna broaden your horizons and give yourself a much better chance of getting work, you need to make use of every available angle, no??

lol ill get any yan a start me lol knwo of any lads aye do aye heres there number give them a ring or here marra ya out of work try this spot herd there taking on or what have ya ad rather not have me m8 at the same firm , go to work to make money not to make firends jason lad friends dont pay ya bills lol
Its about moving with the times fellas.
Staying a step ahead of everyone else.
Ive been asked to send loads of CV's off, when looking for work, quite a few employers specifically ask for a CV and checkable references.

Surely an hour making up a CV, which dont cost a penny gives you another angle to try when looking for work?, rather then just a phone call?

Also, being considered 'good' at what you do, is nothing more then an opinion... people either like you or they dont.
Ive worked with Scaffolders who've been working for the same Firm for 20+ years, who CANNOT Base-out an 8ft x 8ft Tower and others who could smash up a very good Temporary Roof, who get sacked within 3 weeks because they dont have the right 'attitude'.

Word of mouth is fine, but again, when do you ever hear: "i know a Scaff, i dont like him, but hes good at his job"??

You dont... its: "ive got a mate", regardless of his ability, timekeeping, reliability, so on.

Word of mouth and jumping from a small circle of Firms, your 'known on', is fine.
But surely, if you wanna broaden your horizons and give yourself a much better chance of getting work, you need to make use of EVERY available angle, no??

Unfortunately cronyism and nepotism has been around for years. In all walks of life not just scaffolding. Tony Blair and the Chinese communist party have all been involved. We all know that meritocracy is the most honest and fairest way but human nature being what it is we dont often see it put into practice.
I actually got my first overseas opportunity from a guy who didnt like me very much so its a funny old world.
Unfortunately cronyism and nepotism has been around for years. In all walks of life not just scaffolding. Tony Blair and the Chinese communist party have all been involved. We all know that meritocracy is the most honest and fairest way but human nature being what it is we dont often see it put into practice.
I actually got my first overseas opportunity from a guy who didnt like me very much so its a funny old world.

Did you work as an under manager at first fred or were you straight into running a foreign project from the off??
Did you work as an under manager at first fred or were you straight into running a foreign project from the off??

At first I was given the hot potato that everyone was avoiding. had some good men with me and made a success of it and continued from there. I had been overseas on the tools and supervising before though.
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