customers cutting tube.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2009
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Did a job for a customer who decided they would cut a load of 16ft tubes with a grinder then when I complained say if Im bitter then I can forget about the next job. I put the phone down on the prick.
Bunch of c unts try chargin them
If you have lost the customer,Strong solicitors letter demanding payment for wilful damage to plant and legal costs incurred.
had this a few months back not a lot of room customer wanted 4 boards wide so standards was up agains wall,cut 18in off a bout 12 of them to put up big guttering, pea you right off, the other year had a painter cut the end off some beams which was going on to a window sill so he could paint them.
b-safe, i see your from suffolk, where abouts mate thats where i first started scaffoldin like...
my self mate how long ago was you with obs there on a 3 day week at min sometimes less
be about 7/8 year now like, work must be bad down there then, we was always busy when i worked down there! how long u been with them ?
Yer fook em get no more jobs of us. They are someone elses problem now so watch out round manchester for a firm that doesnt give a sh1t about your gear.
Would do but you get all the libel crap if anybody gets any new customers from denton. PM first and I'll let you know if its them ot not. They got a job starting in oldham beginning july.
Yeah Dandaps is right.

You have to be careful what you say, even if it is true.


SF Admin
I've said it before, bend it, cut it, you buy it.
remember my olde mate dizzy worked in the yard for a day and was on the cutting machine with scrap boards he was told to cut the boards to 10 ft he done 150 and banded them he was so chuffed shame they were 9 foots he didnt get to go on the cutter again lol!!
Just get the lads to load up what ever lead and copper pipe they can get their hands on from his job
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