Good to see that the IW still generates interest, I have seen it come from a bog standard IW to the present, in my humble view the M Brushless ranks at current Nunber one choice… Southern's choice of preference too I believe. It was never conceived to wholly replace the Traditional 7/16 Tartan Banner…it was conceived as a control measure, H.S.E.F considerations being for most in the mind…
Health: Control Repudiative Wrist and Upper Arm Motions, ect…
Safety: Comply to BS1139 ( Torque Values )
Environment: Maintain Couplers Integrity
Fiscal: Reduce the acquisition of replacement Couplers
In the early days the Scaff looked upon the speed of the IW would work against then citing that the Co would look for more production with the same wage, Im glad to see that its worked out for those Scaff who are willing to embrace evolution and can see all the advantages that the IW can offer…I'll say this though I'll always have Elsie Tanner on my belt…indeed it will have to fall from my nerveless hand before I give it up…