Critical illness cover


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2010
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I am not sure if this is the right place to post it but just wanted peoples opinion. Is it worth having? I am very sceptical when it comes to insurance companies and fear that when in time of need they will tell me I am not covered.

It seems to be £50 - £100 a month so would be nice to know whether its worth it?

One had a weird condition that they only payout if it is terminal and you have been in bed for x amount of time, so in the mean time you suffer financially which makes me wonder is it worth it.
It depends on many factors such as age, income, medical history of yourself and your immediate family, whether you smoke, how many units of alcohol you consume and there are normally a million clauses that make the policies worthless.
The cost of the policy in later years normally outweighs the benefits.
I am sceptical as well although Southernpoofter took them on and won not critical obviously but illness. Spoke to a mate of mine the other day who has one of these big Audi's, runs his own business so all insurance to the hilt and all vehicles fully comp. Came out of the shops only to see the car park full of smoke then realised it was his motor that was burning. Long story short it turns out that is all singing and dancing policy isn't as good as he thought as he is not covered for electrical faults. I know it's not critical illness but it shows you the attitude of the industry.
Thats exactly it, insurance companies do everything to avoid paying you when you need it which makes me think is it really worth it?
I haven't got it and to be honest never will. It may suit some.
If youre disciplined enough to put that money aside,might suit you better.
Now you are talking my language Frederik. Much better option, better return and less of a risk, well up till now anyway.
A mate of mine just finished his morgage and was due to collect 33k,robbers gave him 17. Insurance is in the business of not paying out. Another friend got smacked up the rear in a B&Q car park last year. As the other person had used the car in a holdup, my mate has had problems getting any payout. Coincidently this person robbed b&q in his own motor,insured by the same company as my mate.
Back to Q.silvers original question. 100-150 a month put aside soon mounts up. The discipline side is the hard bit.
A mate of mine just finished his morgage and was due to collect 33k,robbers gave him 17. Insurance is in the business of not paying out. Another friend got smacked up the rear in a B&Q car park last year. As the other person had used the car in a holdup, my mate has had problems getting any payout. Coincidently this person robbed b&q in his own motor,insured by the same company as my mate.
Back to Q.silvers original question. 100-150 a month put aside soon mounts up. The discipline side is the hard bit.

thats nothing m8 of me dads his lad got hit by a women she admitted liabilty then when it came to the crunch she said he admited liabity whent on for a few mounths and it all whent to court he had a legal rep she had a legal rep he won the case the case cost over £30,000 in legal fees, they were both insured by direct line the case was direct line vs direct line and the damage to his car was less than £1,000 ahahah would of been better to put it down as knock for knock and pay them both out

a lad who worked for us to get his mortage him and his wife had to take out life cover i know its not medical cover, but was threw his mortage lender and only a few mounths after getting both his wife was diagnosed with cancer died the following year he recived around 100,000 ....paid his mortage off and was still let with a bit, maby see if you can go threw you mortage lender if you have as 1 thing is for sure thell want there money from the insurance company so will get you the best cover
Marra, that's why we have all these mis sold ppi adverts on tv just now, loads of people getting their money back as most were unable to claim on their policy even if they fell genuinely sick, really glad your mate got paid out, as I said it may suit some just not me or most of the masses to be honest.
Some good points raised here, but yes I think you are right. Self discipline is the best way. It will be horrible to be diagnosed with something terminal but even more to discover insurance wont pay because of terms and conditions.
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