Cowboy builders


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
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The Arena of Life ( TOON )
Has anyone been watching cowboy builders on tv last few days Fcuk me HaHa

A) There is some proper dodgepots around with more neck than any giraffes ive seen.

B) There are some thick stupid people in this world, you dont know whether to laff or cry at some of these mugs.

one woman paid a builder £40,000 up front for some work , she couldnt get him on site half the time an the rest of time he was on site he was just bodging stuff as he went, the woman wasnt happy with him, then he turns up tells her he has inside info on an investment project and if she gets her bit in early she will cream a fortune out the deal, So she gives him another £40,000 Fcuk me silly with a Canjun chicken is she for real.

Quick question how much does a combisafe scaffstep cost plz
cheers bud its just for a mate of mine they all got their steps and sg4:10 training the other day, were told if step needs replacing £120-00 they responsible for own step, a lot of them are twisting cos the steps wont go in the boot of cars an have to go on back seat, so he wanted me to check prices for him

cheers again ya porridge muncher :toung:
I've no sympathy for a lot of these so called victims on that programme, they always go for the cheapest price hand over £40,000 to a total twit that they have never met or even heard of then get all upset when they do a runner with the cash. If I was wee Dom I would just let most of them stew.
Thats also why i have all my money invested in a new theme park in Nigeria, because i have sent a joint confederation 50k and i will triple my money within 3 mths, laugh now then lads.:amazed:
I have passed your details to Dom.:cool:
Paddy M8

Is that the same theme Park I invested in M8, the one in the Niger Delta ? :eek:

WWWWoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooossh :nuts:
Aye m8 just a few more acres of swampland to reclaim, then, he,he, the fun park is up and running, thinking of starting a few games at first. Snakes and Ladders, however, hard to get a good ladder in Nigeria. The farmer has a wife, there again nee farmers just robbing piratety things and as a WIFE ffs not go down those lines.
aye marra, we'll mak a fortune M8---lolooo snaks and ladders :D yer an aufa Man Paddy M8 :cool: I just hope the nice Nigerian Man got my bank details through alrit...
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