Cockroaches infecting our Forum...? - Should we squash them? :D



Hi guys.

Just to clear up a few things, before we all carry on taking the piss out of the sudden influx of wannabe's and cockroaches who have suddenly infested our fine Forum...


My videos are NOT for the purpose of 'looking cool'... they ARE for the purpose of making up part of my online CV on LinkedIn, which is why my YouTube Channel is linked directly to LinkedIn and NOT the Scaffolders Forum - i simply post them here because a good few people like seeing them and like seeing a bit of diversity to Scaffolding then the usual site work of Bricky Lifts and Loading Bays.

I dont know many other Scaffolders who have attempted what im doing, so im rather pleased with my own efforts, only wish others would have a go and give us more insight into other types of work...

My comments are honest... i speak from the heart and this is NOT going to change.
Out of the posts i make, id say some 90% are either offering advice, welcoming new members, contributing to the threads and generally having the crack... something that the new dozen little diickheads who have suddenly popped up like an load of unwanted turds dont do.

I enjoy this Forum and i enjoy having the crack with its good members.
Only if more actually bothered to put the effort in that the few of us do... this place would be steaming with chatter and info.

As ive said before: DONT watch my videos and DONT read my comments, if you dont like them.

Or better still... Make your OWN video and show me how you do things, where your working and what your getting upto.

I doubt you will, because working in the yard, picking up fittings for the real Scaffolders, Slashing up Leaners and standing outside the Dole Office aint much for decent viewing. :D

I get between 10-20 PM's a week from people here asking for help, being friendly and generally having the crack - because im the one being friendly to them straight from the off.
Each PM i answer back and do my best to be polite, offer help and inturn ask for help, if i need it.

Can that be said for the cockroaches who now seem to slithered out from the rocks they have been hiding under?
I think not...

I believe im a well thought of and well liked member of this community by the people who matter => (the AOM's, Phil181's, TEESSIDES, Markus's Paddy's, Swiftys, Flintys, Garry Adams's, Fred's and the many others), the ones who keep this place going and the ones who give it the spark.

The ONLY people who really matter here, imo.

In this Forum, you earn your stripes by posting and contributing... Dont come here and try to piggyback a name for yourself off the hard work of anothers, because the guys here will NOT respect you for it.
They'll just c.unt you off - as they HAVE been already, lol.

The ones who dont like me and the cockroaches who are not only making themselves look like c.unts here, but they are also more then likely w@nkers in the real world, who probably have to resort to grassing and arse-licking to get on... Those boys KNOW who they are and they can crack on.

They dont pay my bills nor affect my life, nor they ever will.
Seeing that they are all hiding behind their 'alias's' and not using their real names, ill more then likely never meet them... as they would never say anything to my face, because they have no balls, lol.

Ive said it before and ill say it again:
If you have a problem with me
Go f.uck yourself
. :)

Im here to stay, my comments will still come thick and fast and expect more videos to follow. :cool:

Anyway, im enjoying the crack.
I hope you are all too... (at my expense, lol)

Cant wait to see the comments about this one, lol.


PS: 6000+ views on YouTube now, lol.
I for one Jason find your posts quite informative and adds a bit of life to the forum, you will always attract conflict on an open forum as long as you have a hole in your arse keep up the good work
i think your an irritating little fooker but you put more back into this forum than most so what can i say. i admit just by looking at you i think chancer but maybe im wrong. fooking good member of the forum
The world can be a boring place if we were all made the same, nothing wrong with the lad just shows a passion for what he does if that's wrong then we are all f&cked
Hi guys.

Just to clear up a few things, before we all carry on taking the piss out of the sudden influx of wannabe's and cockroaches who have suddenly infested our fine Forum...


My videos are NOT for the purpose of 'looking cool'... they ARE for the purpose of making up part of my online CV on LinkedIn, which is why my YouTube Channel is linked directly to LinkedIn and NOT the Scaffolders Forum - i simply post them here because a good few people like seeing them and like seeing a bit of diversity to Scaffolding then the usual site work of Bricky Lifts and Loading Bays.

I dont know many other Scaffolders who have attempted what im doing, so im rather pleased with my own efforts, only wish others would have a go and give us more insight into other types of work...

My comments are honest... i speak from the heart and this is NOT going to change.
Out of the posts i make, id say some 90% are either offering advice, welcoming new members, contributing to the threads and generally having the crack... something that the new dozen little diickheads who have suddenly popped up like an load of unwanted turds dont do.

I enjoy this Forum and i enjoy having the crack with its good members.
Only if more actually bothered to put the effort in that the few of us do... this place would be steaming with chatter and info.

As ive said before: DONT watch my videos and DONT read my comments, if you dont like them.

Or better still... Make your OWN video and show me how you do things, where your working and what your getting upto.

I doubt you will, because working in the yard, picking up fittings for the real Scaffolders, Slashing up Leaners and standing outside the Dole Office aint much for decent viewing. :D

I get between 10-20 PM's a week from people here asking for help, being friendly and generally having the crack - because im the one being friendly to them straight from the off.
Each PM i answer back and do my best to be polite, offer help and inturn ask for help, if i need it.

Can that be said for the cockroaches who now seem to slithered out from the rocks they have been hiding under?
I think not...

I believe im a well thought of and well liked member of this community by the people who matter => (the AOM's, Phil181's, TEESSIDES, Markus's Paddy's, Swiftys, Flintys, Garry Adams's, Fred's and the many others), the ones who keep this place going and the ones who give it the spark.

The ONLY people who really matter here, imo.

In this Forum, you earn your stripes by posting and contributing... Dont come here and try to piggyback a name for yourself off the hard work of anothers, because the guys here will NOT respect you for it.
They'll just c.unt you off - as they HAVE been already, lol.

The ones who dont like me and the cockroaches who are not only making themselves look like c.unts here, but they are also more then likely w@nkers in the real world, who probably have to resort to grassing and arse-licking to get on... Those boys KNOW who they are and they can crack on.

They dont pay my bills nor affect my life, nor they ever will.
Seeing that they are all hiding behind their 'alias's' and not using their real names, ill more then likely never meet them... as they would never say anything to my face, because they have no balls, lol.

Ive said it before and ill say it again:
If you have a problem with me
Go f.uck yourself
. :)

Im here to stay, my comments will still come thick and fast and expect more videos to follow. :cool:

Anyway, im enjoying the crack.
I hope you are all too... (at my expense, lol)

Cant wait to see the comments about this one, lol.


PS: 6000+ views on YouTube now, lol.

It must have taken you an hr if not more to come up with all that b-llsh1t.I think you have been told a few home truths and you don't like it...Your the biggest idiot on this forum,its folk like you that stop other people from commenting,they join and run because of you,why don't you start a poll and see actually how many people like and dislike you...You be in for a shock..let it run for a wk and prove us all wrong,I say your like a little bully,bully boy tactics...spitting the dummy out when you don't get your own way.... let me on the dropper,I can do it,I can do it,get the camera...please .please..look at me aint I great...
You can let the poll run the 10 years, i DONT care, lol.
If everyone on the Forum hates me... i DONT care, lol.

Those who matter are the only ones whom i want to be friends with and want to have the crack with.
Those guys know who they are.

Your not one of them.
You can let the poll run the 10 years, i DONT care, lol.
If everyone on the Forum hates me... i DONT care, lol.

Those who matter are the only ones whom i want to be friends with and want to have the crack with.
Those guys know who they are.

Your not one of them.

yes you are correct,about 10 folk
Cockroaches infecting our Forum...? - Should we squash them? :D

You should have headed the thread ,Cockroaches infecting my Forum...Help me out lads...Your the biggest Cockroach here

---------- Post added at 06:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 PM ----------

no your the biggest cock on here, but well done after only a small post post count you have reached great heights, probably higher than you'll ever get on the tools. If there was a trophy for knob jockey you'd be holding it

very nice indeed...
Ian speaks the truth... your maybe the biggest knob EVER to post on this Forum.
Trust us, we've been here a while and seen them come and go.

Your defo up there, no doubt.
I think every one of you f.uckers on here is a c.unt, I'm a brickie really
Cockroaches are among the hardiest insects on the planet. Some species are capable of remaining active for a month without food and are able to survive on limited resources like the glue from the back of postage stamps.[22] Some can go without air for 45 minutes. In one experiment, cockroaches were able to recover from being submerged underwater for half an hour.[23]

Ootheca of Periplaneta americana; Florianópolis, SC, Brazil.
It is popularly suggested that cockroaches will "inherit the earth" if humanity destroys itself in a nuclear war. Cockroaches do indeed have a much higher radiation resistance than vertebrates, with the lethal dose perhaps 6 to 15 times that for humans. However, they are not exceptionally radiation-resistant compared to other insects, such as the fruit fly.[24]

The cockroach's ability to withstand radiation better than human beings can be explained through the cell cycle. Cells are most vulnerable to the effects of radiation when they are dividing. A cockroach's cells divide only once each time it molts, which is weekly at most in a juvenile roach. Since not all cockroaches would be molting at the same time, many would be unaffected by an acute burst of radiation, but lingering radioactive fallout would still be harmful.[25]
I have to admit, I have always though this forum was inundated with erse holes but I thought I would hang around to try and give you all some credibility.;)


I personally think your vids are enjoyable, I like to see what's happening outside Argyll so good on you. For me, the most annoying part is I never thought of it first and also even if I did I wouldn't know how to use it to my advantage the way you have. I think most who have a problem will feel the same way.
dont bother with the videos myself but as they say each to their own.
it took me forever to manage bold writing and then the big writing.the wee angry face came naturally though ;)
You can let the poll run the 10 years, i DONT care, lol.
If everyone on the Forum hates me... i DONT care, lol.

Those who matter are the only ones whom i want to be friends with and want to have the crack with.
Those guys know who they are.

Your not one of them.

jason fookem!!! lets be honnest if you and a few others wernt on here it would be fooking boring glad the odd kno! comes on now and again probably jelouse coz youve got the tickets and earn more than the odd 350 400 a week. you probably paye that in tax most weeks yes the forum has lost a bit of appeal lately but the odd twa! that comes on now and again keeps it alive haha!!! fookem jason dont let them wind you inn mate
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