Claims-marketing restrictions planned


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Claims-marketing restrictions planned
10 January 2011

A proposal to prohibit the offering of cash inducements as a reward for submitting a claim for compensation has been outlined by the Ministry of Justice.

Set out in a new consultation, the planned amendment to the Conduct of Authorised Persons Rules 2007 forms part of the Ministry’s response to Lord Young of Graffham’s report on the perception of a health and safety compensation culture.

In his report, Lord Young identified the promotion of incentives to encourage consumers to make a claim as a particular problem, saying: “Today, accident victims are given the impression that they may be entitled to handsome rewards just for making a claim, regardless of any personal responsibility – adding to a real sense that we live in an increasingly litigious society.”

The MoJ estimates that less than 5 per cent of the entire claims-management sector currently offers inducements, but most such businesses operate within the personal-injury sector. Examples of the type of advertising that would be banned are: ‘We’ll pay you £200 immediately after our solicitors approve your claim’, or ‘As soon as we accept your claim, we promise to give you a £150 cash advance’.

Such inducements are non-returnable and paid upon acceptance of a claim by a solicitor. This means it does not constitute a breach of the Conduct of Authorised Persons Rules, as the inducement is not paid immediately. Some companies also promise to enter potential customers into a prize draw for a high-value gift.

The rule change is a targeted restriction, which the MoJ believes is unlikely to have a detrimental effect on the majority of legitimate claims-management businesses.

The Ministry’s head of regulation, Kevin Rousell, said: “We have accepted Lord Young’s report and plan to take the necessary steps to ensure that the concerns raised about the marketing practices of some claims-management businesses are tackled at the earliest opportunity. This consultation is an important step towards tackling irresponsible marketing.”

An Impact Assessment suggests that the change could be justified primarily on efficiency grounds. It points out: “Some cases are currently pursued where the overall cost of reaching case resolution significantly outweighs the value being disputed in the case itself.”

However, the assessment also notes that, because the highest inducements are likely to be offered by the most efficient firms, restricting competition through a ban on incentives could lead claimants to pursue their case through less-efficient claims-management businesses.

The MoJ also identifies that, while society may benefit from some cases no longer being pursued, some socially-beneficial claims may also no longer proceed.

The consultation, which runs until 10 February, is available online at: Claims mangement regulation proposal to amend rule 6(B) of the conduct rules - Ministry of Justice
Is it just me or does any one else think it's funny it took a deep recession before anything was done about these things. Was there not another thread quoting a shift in legal opinion regarding the no win no fee brigade?
Is it just me or does any one else think it's funny it took a deep recession before anything was done about these things. Was there not another thread quoting a shift in legal opinion regarding the no win no fee brigade?

No, I just think it took a government with the balls to try and tackle the problem.
Ha ha, that's a good one but the last Tory with balls was Maggie and she was a boot. The rest stuffed them in a mincer stuck an orange in their mouth, placed a dirty pair of tights over their head and tossed themselves to death.:cool:
Ha ha, that's a good one but the last Tory with balls was Maggie and she was a boot. The rest stuffed them in a mincer stuck an orange in their mouth, placed a dirty pair of tights over their head and tossed themselves to death.:cool:

True about Mrs T, although we don't have a Tory Government at the moment.
being from a large mining area i wont even start to comment on the things she caused..
And her cohort MacGregor...........w@nker:mad:
and dont forget Pete Postlethwaite. RIP . had the pleasure of watching the grimethorpe collery band doing this tribute tonight to a man who played proper miner...

[ame=]YouTube - Brassed Off Danny Boy[/ame]

THAT WITCH WRECKED COMMUNITIES. I Really hope she suffers a painfull death like these areas did after a pay off.

I admire what the Grimethorpe band did tonight very moving if i can get some footage ill post it. Even shed a couple of tears myself. The nearest thing ive seen to a community since is now this forum.
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a truely horrible human being i try never to get personal but that woman(loose terms)was horrible.
Were having a party when thatcher dies Were having a party when thatcher dies.:cool:

---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ----------

Jelly and ice cream when thatcher dies, Jelly and ice cream when thatcher dies.
Hookers and coke when thatcher dies, Hookers and coke when thatcher dies.

erm....................did I take that too far.:embarrest:
you can count the all of YORKSHIRE in that 1 mate , sorry but NOTTINGHAM not invited to this party thank you.
[ame=""]YouTube - Ding Dong The Witch is Dead[/ame]
Maggie Thatcher Destroyed Any Manufacturing Industry In This Country Prefering The Service Sector With Crap Wages And Part Time Hours Funny The Last Time The Construction Industry Was On Its Arse She And Her Tory Acolites Were In Power She Should Be Burned At The Stake For The Damage She And Her Party Have Done To This Country
if memory serves me right nottingham were the only branch not to wild cat strike thus they were the only ones to do the right thing,scargill was told have the BALLOT he didnt listen thus he made the strike illegal allowing thatcher to freeze the biggest funds of any union ever.after the bitter dispute she said if nottingham had broke the law the miners would have broke the goverment.IM AFRAID THIS STILL RUNS DEEP ALLOVER THE COUNTRY PW.

---------- Post added at 08:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 AM ----------

the ironic thing is nottingham would have voted to strike 95%,as they were one of the more millitant elements of the NUM.
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