Christmas gratuities


Aug 25, 2011
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Well it's nearly time for the christmas do,and that means a token of appreciation for the years work from the boss to the lads,so my question is can you give a tax free,once a year bonus?and what do the other lads do other than just take them on a bender?
One thing I learned, nothing is tax free. I even tried to pay a wee bonus to a boy by calling it travel expenses until the accountant put a quick stop too it. Any bonus will be paid on top of any wages earned but tax will be due so the night out will have to do them.;)
Surely one or two jobs could be missed out of the books to ensure the lads get a bit of lolly
Aye,thought as much,though someone once told me that you can pay the restaurant bill,and put it down to expenses,maybe better tax can enlighten us further:idea:
thats what our boss does daz, i think it better bein tax free but anythin is a bonus i suppose!!
Oh aye,we have a full day on the lash normally,i just wondered what possibilities were,if any:D
endless bigfish lol, usually lunchtime finish on the lash , bit of grub around 6 ,then more beer and a night club for those on "Charlie" , or bed for old sod like me
Surely one or two jobs could be missed out of the books to ensure the lads get a bit of lolly

To be honest Daz, we are a tax deductible service so usually find everyone wants an invoice, not a lot of cash floating around.:(
Do as I do

Down the super market, buy two or three cases of "shorts" from your OWN pocket and give the lads a bottle each :D

Tax deductable, Fecking HUMBUG :D
endless bigfish lol, usually lunchtime finish on the lash , bit of grub around 6 ,then more beer and a night club for those on "Charlie" , or bed for old sod like me

ive not tried the olde charlie phill but one evening i was feeling so tied one off the lads put speed in my drink jesus i was john travolter on roller skates:laugh:
hahahahahahhahahahha i could imagine you bouncing of the walls and going nuts , to be honest i never touch anything like that i cant stand the stuff only brings problems , when its time for bed iam more then happy to climb into it
As I understand it,
a business is allowed two 'events' per year where the costs can be listed as an expense against the business income.

The general rule of thumb we advise is an upper limit of £75 per head in any one tax year in one 'event' or spread across both but no more than two events.

For us that manages to cover a xmas do at a decent comedy club, xmas dinner (sort of) and a healthy amount of whistle wetness agents behind the bar :)


Thank you better tax,that's music to my ears,i dont think i'll be having two christmas do's though hoho,well lads looks like we've been missing a trick here,a good lash up on the taxman,what could be better:eek::laugh::laugh:
Pay for the drinks until the lads fall over or start fighting each other whichever comes sooner.
Pay for the drinks until the lads fall over or start fighting each other whichever comes sooner.

Haha it's the same every year at every firm,all the little niggles from the past year come to a head as soon as everyones pished,haha cant wait;)
as soon as everyones pished,

Huh try as soon as my elbow rests on the bar.:eek:
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