chat forum

marra watson

Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score
am sure there was a chat on here or am i making this up???
and what are track backs and how do you ad your own slogan to the bottom of the messages ?
There had been a thread regarding 'Chat' on here, SFadmin didnt really want to go down those lines, and he listed the valid reasons why not too.

'Trackbacks..... dont know mate, are those something to do with 'Keywords' etc.

To add a signature to the bottom of your posts go to userCP top left of the blue toolbar. Then when it opens Settings and options, and scroll to signatures.

Hope this helped a wee bit mate.
There has been talk of chat being added by a few lads but it's not on the forum ATM.

To add caption to your posts
Click in your profile, then user cp, then signatures
Live " Shoutbox " or chat needs to be policed around the clock .

It would be the owners responsibility on how that would be policed but everything that gets posted in that live chat comes back to the owner of the site .

He can make a " Bad word filter " and limit images from being posted but in my opinion you dont really need one here .
I think SF's reasons were it would just turn into a realtime slagging match like some of the posts do so didn't wanna risk bringing the forum down to that level.
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