Changing employer before part 2 assessment? Help

Sep 12, 2011
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Glasgow offshore
Hi im chris ,im going for my part 2 next week at the construction skills college (scotland) adult apprentice NCC. But i have had an offer from another company with better pay.My part2 assessment will be in 6 months time and was just wondering ,would changing employers effect me going for my assessment .

PS. i will be starting with the company after attending college but before my assessment ,thanx in advance ,any advice would be great cheers.
Glasgow scaffolder you are taking a big chance here mate as your assessment on the adult apprenticeship is for two weeks, will your new employer sign up for the remainder of your apprenticeship and will they allow you the time off (with pay)for your assessment. Lots for you to consider as its only six months away, remember there are less and less employers putting guys through courses now.
how long is the assessment for and adult apprentice? 3 days, 2 weeks?
ask the "new employer" about the time off etc.
best of luck and welcome to scaffolding, (chasing the money already;))
Thats probably why employers are'nt putting people through their cards nowadays, soon as they have them, they **** off...
2 week assessment in 6 months time , and my current employer is the worst out mate ,hes not even paying me through college and im working minimum wage for the prik, ps i work for the stingyest employer out there lololo when i go to this new company i will be makin 3 times my wage:p
my emplyer never paid me to do my part 2 either ya not alone lol
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