
Garry Adams

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2010
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Is Cartels the way forward---Can Scaffolding Companies collaborate---or is it open season to stick eachother in ???---dirty deeds done dead cheep...

Now where did I put my camera :cool:
if the colombians in medallin and cali can do it i dont see why not
pablo and the ochio family great guys the best ive ever had the pleasure of working for ;)
In better times I knew of Companies who collaborated with each other as basically they all got the same enquiries/tenders from the same clients and would speak to each other along the lines of how busy they were, how much they wanted a particular job....or not as the case may be so they could each gauge where to set there price so to speak....

Would never get near that situation now, economic times definetly dictate.

---------- Post added at 07:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 AM ----------

On the subject of Business Relationships....
When I worked in Nottingham, as above, a lot of the business's would talk between themselves not just about pricing, but all sorts and it was accepted really we were all in the same game and although you wouldnt go out your way, you would help out if someone was really in the siht. Plus it kept your finger on the pulse so to speak.

I have been working in Sheffield now for four and a half years now and still can't get over how hostile some Scaffold Business's are to each other, I mean its pure hatred in some cases. I appreciate certain people have personel grudges against each other in the scaffold game, but in this neck of the woods with the exception of 1 or 2 they all hate each other with a passion!!

Whats it like elsewhere??

Thanks for the candid reply---I was just wondering how far rival Companies would go to discredit the opposition ???.

In the interest of Maintaining a reasonable profit margin, I would have thought that in such times of aggressive Tendering, Companies would need to collaborate more that ever ???.

The Client can chose a Company by driving down the price, however, if the Companies are in communication they can dictate the pricing regime !.

I am aware that this practice may be illegal, but feck it who plays by the rules these days---Bankers Make their own Rules, thy cant we ???.

---------- Post added at 11:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 AM ----------

nae si daftscaff

If Regional Scaffolding Companies do not start capping their Pricing Regimes---the ones who are missing out on Work will take desperate measures and start informing the HS&E on Competitors Breaches---it will be open Season---the sacred vow of silence will apply no more, in other word they will stick you in the sh!t without a second thought...
on the subject of cartels , and companies collaborating , heres an interesting situation , NOVEMBER 2011 , the scum at interserve glasgow instructed an agency in glasgow to get them 30 men , so the agency tells people who call , £12.50 for part 2 and about 3 months work, now , for glasgow that is a great wage , BUT these people must have the new kwikstage cert which costs £400 , so then u have lots of people myself included thinking i should get this kwikstage card. NOW as well as this agency interserve also got another one tellin people they need scaffs in edinburgh, dundee,aberdeen and glasgow and all must have kwikstage card , so u have loads maybe as much as 100 guys booking this course , which is nice for the NCC , and as their doing a course with an interserve designed system , it wouldnt be a stretch of the imagination to think Interserve are profiting from this , and if not there just helping the nice people of the NCC . The NCC then decide we'll only run this course every 2 months and people can just fuckin wait , SO , now as was expected these two agencys that needed all those people , DON'T, the work was made up , to get loads of people applying for their fuckin kwikstage ******** card , VERY CLEVER , INTERSCUM VERY CLEVER

---------- Post added at 12:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 PM ----------

the day is approaching where i will do something about this situation , soon , im declaring a scaffolding jihad on every scummy company in scotland , then embarking on a summer vacation where some wrongs will be righted and people will be punished.

syncronistic explosions of scaffolding yards up and down the country.
I was just wondering how far rival Companies would go to discredit the opposition ???.

This is what surprised me about Sheffield, this happened to us and caused huge embarrassment to the customer, the company and ultimately although we did nothing wrong cost us a customer as we have never worked for them since, I will not mention the instigators but they know who they are and most importantly they “know we know” Things always have a knack of evening themselves out...Karma I believe.
A few years ago we did a bridge scaffold over a local canal on behalf of a department of the Local authority, this job was designed and erected as such and duly handed over. After about 5 weeks we were contacted by the customer asking us if there were any problems with the job as the HSE had contacted them saying they had been informed the job was dangerous and in an imminent state of collapse. We inspected the work on the customer’s behalf and apart from some very minor user interference issues (Toeboards moved etc) we amended the faults and re-issued a hand over.
Two days we were called to site as the HSE had made a surprise visit and wanted to talk to us, we duly went to site with all the job info, the HSE presented us with some photographs that had been sent to them of the supposed faults in the job and comments, the wording of the comments could have only come from a scaffolder. (We found out who at a later time) Now because the HSE Inspectors were ill equipped to say one way or the other whether the scaffold was up to spec or not because it was a none standard job they decided to ask the Client to stop site operations until such a time as they could get a competent inspection done, not a Prohibition Notice or even an Improvement Notice so strictly speaking the works could have continued but of course the customer is not going to go against the HSE request.
It took a week for an independent to come up, inspect the work, make a few very minor comments (They have to earn their corn don't they!!??) which were sorted immiedietly, we re-re-handed the scaffold back over and work continues.
The damage overall was our customer has had the indignity of being on the HSE Radar and all that involved with that, has had Contra Charges issued to them from other subbies due to the delay which they came after us for and most of all the embarrassment and even though we were found to be squeaky clean it still sows that seed of doubt and the customer would rather not have the hassle.
All this because of a photo, comments and a few phone calls to the HSE from a rival who dressed it up as his duty under Health & Safety....That's the lengths they go to in this particular area.
Funny though....They don’t like it when it’s done to them, I’m sorry to stoop to that level, and that’s the only time I have EVER contacted officialdom in regard to another Scaffold Contractor....but as they say....When in Rome.....Or Sheffield in this instance.
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Some of these people are so twisted PW they would sell their own mothers and daughters into prostitution to get what they want

Get your own back mate and i hope you succeed
I wouldn't say there is anything like that round my way but I would say we are pretty much on an even keel with regard safety, methods and other expenses so it probably boils down to how we view the job in particular as to who gets the job. I would say it would be better to keep the lines of communication open as customers can be sly and kiniving every bit as much as the scaffs. It would be easy for a switched on customer to play one firm off against another if there is no chat between them.
This is what surprised me about Sheffield, this happened to us and caused huge embarrassment to the customer, the company and ultimately although we did nothing wrong cost us a customer as we have never worked for them since, I will not mention the instigators but they know who they are and most importantly they “know we know” Things always have a knack of evening themselves out...Karma I believe.
A few years ago we did a bridge scaffold over a local canal on behalf of a department of the Local authority, this job was designed and erected as such and duly handed over. After about 5 weeks we were contacted by the customer asking us if there were any problems with the job as the HSE had contacted them saying they had been informed the job was dangerous and in an imminent state of collapse. We inspected the work on the customer’s behalf and apart from some very minor user interference issues (Toeboards moved etc) we amended the faults and re-issued a hand over.
Two days we were called to site as the HSE had made a surprise visit and wanted to talk to us, we duly went to site with all the job info, the HSE presented us with some photographs that had been sent to them of the supposed faults in the job and comments, the wording of the comments could have only come from a scaffolder. (We found out who at a later time) Now because the HSE Inspectors were ill equipped to say one way or the other whether the scaffold was up to spec or not because it was a none standard job they decided to ask the Client to stop site operations until such a time as they could get a competent inspection done, not a Prohibition Notice or even an Improvement Notice so strictly speaking the works could have continued but of course the customer is not going to go against the HSE request.
It took a week for an independent to come up, inspect the work, make a few very minor comments (They have to earn their corn don't they!!??) which were sorted immiedietly, we re-re-handed the scaffold back over and work continues.
The damage overall was our customer has had the indignity of being on the HSE Radar and all that involved with that, has had Contra Charges issued to them from other subbies due to the delay which they came after us for and most of all the embarrassment and even though we were found to be squeaky clean it still sows that seed of doubt and the customer would rather not have the hassle.
All this because of a photo, comments and a few phone calls to the HSE from a rival who dressed it up as his duty under Health & Safety....That's the lengths they go to in this particular area.
Funny though....They don’t like it when it’s done to them, I’m sorry to stoop to that level, and that’s the only time I have EVER contacted officialdom in regard to another Scaffold Contractor....but as they say....When in Rome.....Or Sheffield in this instance.

They were minor comments as well PW, I remember I was the one earning the corn. :D
Well that's a big BURT about firms in Sheffield isn't it.

What was the faults XXianXX ?

Dont think I hivni thought about making a wee house call on some of these cheeky barstuards---to be honest I dont know how they get off with it---if it was some c*nt taking the piss in the Bar he'd get his face slashed ti feck...

---------- Post added at 08:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------


I concur, once the damage is done it is hard to regain one's reputation...

I must say around the Aberdeen Area there is harmony and cordial mutual respect with in the Scaff Co's---perhaps, because most of the MD', Supervision and Scaffs have all worked with one and other at some point in their Career Path which = Mutual Respect...everyone knows the each has the finger on the button, but no one really wants to push it, only needs one crazy fecker to upset the level keel...
Hey pw , have heard all the storys mate , we are opening up in your vincinity in next two weeks so should be fun mate
Sorry, can I just ask, as one of the lads mentioned Kwikform
I did the 2 day Kwikform course and got the cert 1996 (even though at the time it was covered on the T&F courses I did 92/3)
I take it this is invalid then lads ? & I'd have to do it again so I could have it printed on back of my CISRS card
FFS, look out for dodgy invoice's PW.:laugh:

---------- Post added at 10:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 PM ----------

Sorry, can I just ask, as one of the lads mentioned Kwikform
I did the 2 day Kwikform course and got the cert 1996 (even though at the time it was covered on the T&F courses I did 92/3)
I take it this is invalid then lads ? & I'd have to do it again so I could have it printed on back of my CISRS card

I'm afraid so Zotsey.
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