Can anyone help ???


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2010
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North Wales
I've got my health & safety test on Friday and I've got the 2005 CD-ROM for the PC and it works fine.
My problem is that I've borrowed the 2007 version to see if there's a lot of difference between them,and for the life of me can't get it to install on my computer.
Has anyone else come across this problem or is it just me? and if so, any tips on how to solve it would be appreciated.
have you tried accessing through windows explorer??? Then opening the files contained withinn
The programme tells me that the disc is incompatible with a 64 bit version of windows.??? but the earlier version works fine:wacko::wacko::wacko:
how foooooking strange ?? Its not a MAC version or the like is it
feck it, just get the book.:idea:
after putting the disc in the cd drive

Click Start, then Click Computer from the drop down list, your CD drive will be shown, Click on it and it will open showing all the files on the CD. One of the files will be named "Install" click install It should install from here

If this fails you can open each file indiviually from here


Check to see if the option "play CD automatically" is not switched off, in preferences or set-up,I know mine does revert to this setting at times on it's own.
ehh, or you could just get the book.:idea:
I got the book but didn't need it. Test was easy.
However it is 2008 book not 07
Is it not same for CD ? Latest version 2008 ?
Hi all.need help sorting a problem out.
I've been offered a job with film and the boss that i av now has been bad mouthing me .5 years ago my doc's told me i had type1 diebetes ,and its knocked me for six big time .i work hard on the street .so at the mo cant sort me suger out and and my work rates gone down hill which is pissing me off.ive told my bosses but in 1 ear and out the this other job was right up my street easyer job more relaxed the prob is my boss found out where i was going and phoned them.saying i av time off with bad bk never go 2 work and that i am a the lad giving me the job, his main men told him not 2 give me a start.......What can i do?where do i stand?
or yes also handed my notice in and not giving my job bk.whats really pissing me off is if my boss was so un pleased with me y didnt he just let me go. at least i wud b out of his hair help wud b great thank you
regarding the touch screen,its a peice of piss if a polish peasant with no british site experience can do it im sure you will pass with flying colours scaffman.if you are still worried as AOM pointed out get the book thats what i did
sgt buck you are still employed,the next time you are looking for another job dont tell any **** espacially yer boss until you are starting with the new company---**** giving him notice if its gonna make him shaft you;)

As Daftscaff said you should have kept it to yourself until it was a done deal :sick:

Your former employer has done nothing wrong in law,if he is telling the truth about you and you would not prove defamation of charactor ......on a moral basis he sounds like a very petty piece of sh*t

I wish you well for the future whatever you do
Tough break Buck.
I had a similar experience years and years back. I applied for a job and gave the boss details of previous employers. They rang not the last place I had worked but the one before (I'd been there a couple of years), and I got slagged off by my old boss so didn't hear back. Couple of days later the phone went " are you looking for work ? Come into the yard on Monday "
I got stitched up so my old boss could get me back !!!
Not the same as you Buck I know but it pi*sed me off all the same
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Cheers guys, The test itself is not my problem. I know it's easy enough.My problem was why wouldn't the 2007 version open on my lap top whilst the 2005 version opens fine.....
For the love of God......................will somebody pleeeeeeeeeeeease by this man the book.:D
For the love of God......................will somebody pleeeeeeeeeeeease by this man the book.:D

For Christ's sake...someone get AOM a whiskey.leave the you could always send him one yourself aom....Welsh version tho.
If it has a cellophane wrapper on it, he may have problems opening it :blink1:

Sorry Scaffman

is the 2007 version compatable with your O/S ,is it an original disc.
If it has a cellophane wrapper on it, he may have problems opening it :blink1:

Sorry Scaffman

is the 2007 version compatable with your O/S ,is it an original disc.

Thanks for that Rigger, I thought it was smooth to the touch....

My O/S Isn't compatible mate, but it is with the 2005 edition???
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