Call them out


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2010
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Back in the saddle
Rite just had a good crack on another tread by calling someone out therefore if you think someone is not who they say they are then this is the place.
Anything goes but remember the FORUM RULE ! and poeple have life outside of the forum so not too personal .
OK let the fun start now

Come on lets have it.
Straight say what you see thats how i was dragged up LOL cost plenty of jobs as well but thats like.

YOO HOO MR S POTTER are you there ? come out to play
well its down to team work mate me celtic and skin LOL had some good crack on here tonight but if you can think of anyone call them out hehehe
Rite just had a good crack on another tread by calling someone out therefore if you think someone is not who they say they are then this is the place.
Anything goes but remember the FORUM RULE ! and poeple have life outside of the forum so not too personal .
OK let the fun start now

I had no idea, are you all sure of this, seemed like he knew exactly what he was talking about to me, but then I am used to dealing with scaffs I suppose.
Dangeruss we beleave this man it not how he says he is more of a spy for a company cant really say anything else untill he come out to play mate but by all mean if you can think of anything that might help fire way or if you pick up on someone else call them out LOL
Dangeruss we beleave this man it not how he says he is more of a spy for a company cant really say anything else untill he come out to play mate but by all mean if you can think of anything that might help fire way or if you pick up on someone else call them out LOL
Well Andy, as you know being serious is my middle name mate, Phil and I will devise a cunning plant to weasel out the 5th columnists. Once the target is aquired we will of course go into sarcastic tw*t mode and give them a severe rinsing at our leisure.
Everyone seems to have some sort of an 'agenda' that they're fighting on this forum. Either that, or they are just so bored at work that they have to instigate 'Eastenders' style plots and scenarios. We're not in the SAS or the KGB here gents. Most of us are (apparently) scaffolders!

Maybe there have been a few bogus posters on here - nobody will deny that. I don't see what is so 'suspicious' about this character in question though.

Unfortunately, the internet has ruined everthing. It has made me realise just how many strange individuals there are out there - and internet chatrooms and forums recieve their fair share of these 'social misfits' and 'odd-balls'. This forum is certainly no exception!

I don't know whether he's genuine or not, either way I don't really care, but it has started a more interesting debate and I hope this 'Seamus Potter' individual comes back for some much needed conversation - As I won't be doing much at work tomorrow, apart from a leisurely breakfast, followed by a bit of light Facebooking and hopefully a bit of a crack on the forum, before disappearing to a nice little public house somewhere for a few glasses of cold beer.

For those of you that appreciate a bit of light humour however, don't despair!
Myself and Dangeruss are planning to post a series of scaffolding themed short stories that we have been working on for the last few weeks - and plan to publish the first one entiltled 'One Flew Over the Hemping Tower' sometime over the Easter holiday....

Everyone seems to have some sort of an 'agenda' that they're fighting on this forum. Either that, or they are just so bored at work that they have to instigate 'Eastenders' style plots and scenarios. We're not in the SAS or the KGB here gents. Most of us are (apparently) scaffolders!

Maybe there have been a few bogus posters on here - nobody will deny that. I don't see what is so 'suspicious' about this character in question though.

Unfortunately, the internet has ruined everthing. It has made me realise just how many strange individuals there are out there - and internet chatrooms and forums recieve their fair share of these 'social misfits' and 'odd-balls'. This forum is certainly no exception!

I don't know whether he's genuine or not, either way I don't really care, but it has started a more interesting debate and I hope this 'Seamus Potter' individual comes back for some much needed conversation - As I won't be doing much at work tomorrow, apart from a leisurely breakfast, followed by a bit of light Facebooking and hopefully a bit of a crack on the forum, before disappearing to a nice little public house somewhere for a few glasses of cold beer.

For those of you that appreciate a bit of light humour however, don't despair!
Myself and Dangeruss are planning to post a series of scaffolding themed short stories that we have been working on for the last few weeks - and plan to publish the first one entiltled 'One Flew Over the Hemping Tower' sometime over the Easter holiday....

Yea thats right Phil, don't forget to tell them about "Cat on hot Temporary roof" as well and a "Fist full of doubles"
na mate thats my ma
I used to know a lad from up your way, we called him "Geordie" do you know him, had a lot of tatttoos ? spoke with a funny accent ? used to drink Newcastle brown ale, think he was big football fan although the team he supported eludes me now.
possibly supported gateshead and what the fooks brown ale
Middlesboro, that was it Geordie was a massive fan, used to go all over to watch them loose. Anyway whats the crack with this spotter fella ?
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