C p c for scaffolders that drive


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2010
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North Wales
I've been reading a few threads tonight to do with lorries, and with the new cpc courses being forced down the throats of lorry drivers nowadays, what are the requirements for scaffolders when their main job is not driving?

Do they require the cpc for 7.5 ton lorries ?

Do they require the cpc for class 2 lorries ?
The CPC course is really for professional drivers, because we us our trucks to transport gear, then work from the truck, the lad driving the wagon is not classed as a professional driver. Whether it be a 7.5 tonner or bigger. If you had a full time driver on the books then he would have to do the CPC course because that's his living, even if he mucks in with the labouring and such. We're probably one of the only exempt cases.
Apparently because driving's not our main job we're excempt from the cpc training,only for proffessional drivers of wagons and coach'es,however i had to do some cpc as a condition of being granted a new operators licence,even though iv'e got a nvq in hgv's,and it's money for old rope,fella's that have been driving hgv's for years have to pay a fortune to be told how to do their job,what a load of b*llocks,if you have a wagon licence then you dont need someone in a classroom telling you how to drive:(
Not sure to be honest supersscaff, don't have a full time dedicated driver, but was lead to believe that if driver was your main occupation then you'd have to take the course. BAG-O-*****!! it's all about proving competency and all that b0ll0x. Sure someone will prove me wrong, lol.
Even taxi drivers have to take a test now to renew their licenses, even if they've been doing the job 30 year.
now isnt the refreshers for advanced starting to ring bells.
I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and he told me that the lectures that they have to attend in order to get their cpc are a load of bololocks. Apparently they have to take part in 32 hours of these lectures at around 8 hours each. But they can attend the same lecture 4 times just to make the hours up.

Another scheme by the government to create an industry out of an industry.
Remind's me of the CISRS, another load of bololocks:D:D
As a SCAFFOLDER I have always refused to drive a wagon of any size on or off site.

A scaffolder has a very different skill set to a wagon driver

I have never understood the diference between moving your own goods or moving a third parties goods for reward. As the driver you are still on public Roads and you should be trained to a level that makes you a competant and skilled driver.

I have held my licence that long that I believe that under current legislation I am entitled to drive a 7.5 ton wagon. (this may have changed in recent years) where is the safety in that.
Yeah rigger me too.
If you passed your test before '97 you have automatic entitlement to drive 7.5 ton wagon. I'm not complaining, helps with getting work
The thing is I passed car driving test, very different to loading, roping up (strapping) and driving a wagon safely with the traffic congestion as it is today.

So in my old age I can hurle down the fast lane of the motorway doing 70 mph quite legaly ( unristricted wagon of course , from another thread), never driven a wagon in my life, utter and complete nonsense me thinks

Depending who you talk too, you'll get different answers. I hold a CPC national certtificate and currently setting myself up to train the drivers cpc.

Ive spoken to several training companys and most say that scaffolders will need the drivers cpc. Where they are all coming from is that if your driving your truck and equipment to a job and stay at the same job all day then return home you'll be excempt, HOWEVER if you go to more than one job or go to pick gear up etc then its possible you may fall into scope of needing the drivers cpc.

Problem is that even the DSA and VOSA arent upto speed on it so for time been I'd probably leave it until VOSA manage to bring a successful court case against someone. And if any of you guys out there know anything about VOSA on a first hand basis you'll know they will try anything they can to bring a sucessful prosicutuion against someone. Apart from skip wagons and bulk tippers, scaffolding wagons are easy targets for VOSA

If i hear anything else I'll post it on here.
Mmm, what if you are the first one they try? I still haven't done anything about this training but from what I hear and read there won't be many exempt and as I said before, if you need legal advice to understand if you are exempt or not I feel it's sailing pretty close to the wind.

Your right Rigger, there is no similarities between a wagon driver and a scaffolder but I have said many times I am no driver just a scaffolder who has to drive a wagon during the normal course of my duties. They have been inextricably linked since I started in the trade although we don't have the best reputation as drivers nor the vehicles we drive. I reckon we will try and do the training but instead of these ridiculous classroom based lectures we will try and find the courses more of use to us like first aid, lorry loaders and even fork lift trucks.
My question to others on here is to ask what kind of license are you running?

We have a restricted (Orange disc) license but from what I have been told you can maybe get away with the CPC with this and by quoting the usual exemption rule.

If you have the unrestricted (Blue Disc) license then you have to do it all apparently?
We have the restricted disc spunkywads but I think you do need the main CPC to get a blue disc. The cpc we are talking about here is the drivers cpc which is very different to the main Certificate of Professional Competence.
strangely enough after reading this thread yesterday i was promptly pulled over by vosa this afternoon, into fleet services on the m3 and was about to ask the question when he asked for my cpc - to which i pulled out my free copy of the road haulage membership booklet and showed him the paragraph that stated - if driving the vechile was not my main duty,and was soley tranporting goods to be used by myself in the process of my normal job as a scaffolder- he looked at it grunted and then wanted to know why i didn't have a tacho in, to which i then promptly produced the booklet from the overhead sent to me from the traffic commisioner stateing that if i was within 31miles of my operating centre i didn't need to have one inserted- 45mins later and having seen all my paperwork, and thoroughly checking the vechile over he smuggly looked at me and said no-one likes a clever **** ur tyres are under pressure get it sorted- i simply looked over his shoulder at the free air pump and said i'll pop over there now and do it now mate- if looks could kill.
FFS do it all as required and the snotty barstewerds cop the right hump, do nothing and put a smile on there faces and a hole in your pocket.
ive not long passed class 2 passed car test in 98 had to do cpc module2 and module 4 before i could drive . just had a driver qualification card sent to me
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