Building a theatre from scaffolding


New member
Aug 6, 2012
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I'm not a scaffolder, but I've come here hoping you might be kind enough to give me some advice.

I run a new amateur opera company in the Midlands. We are having a lot of difficulty in finding available theatres to perform in (because they're either fully booked or too expensive), so I've come up with an idea.

I'm speaking to a couple of companies who currently have large empty warehouses, with a view to borrowing the space until they manage to let it.

What I thought is that inside the warehouse (there's no racking installed so it's just open space) we could set up a theatre stage, complete with wings & proscenium arch, so that we can have theatre curtains, a backdrop, lights hung above the stage etc (but no fly tower).

I know I'll need to get a proper scaffolding company to do the work (I struggle with lego...), & from what I've read on here etc I'll probably need to get it designed.

However, before we really get into the planning of it, can you give any advice at this stage?

What is the likely cost of getting a scaffolding design done? The total area would probably be 10m x 10m x 7 m high.

Does anyone have experience of building stages? Are there any things that we need to consider before we start on the project?

It'll need to be fairly easy to dismantle & re-erect, as we'd only get a short amount of notice if they managed to let the building; on the other hand, given the amount of time these warehouses seem to stay on the market, we could be using it for a year or more.

I've seen that the decision point for hire v buy seems to be at about 12 weeks, so we'll probably be looking to buy the scaffolding.

Any advice or comments that you could give (particularly if you can give any suggestions on the kind of cost that might be involved) would be really gratefully received.


Hi I would consider an events company as you would need a flat surface to prevent trip hazards which would properly lead to a system scaffold which is expensive to own. You could do it out tube and fitting and get some chippies to finish the floor
This is probably a good time to buy with Olympics finishing and if you try GL events you might get lucky

There are 2 approaches you can take.

1. Approach a scaffold designer such as myself. They will discuss your requirements and produce a design.
The problem here is the scaffold may be beyond your budget and you have wasted money on a design (scaffold is expensive stuff even though it may not loom like it).

2. Approach a scaffold company, discuss with them, they will seek advice from a scaffold designer (normally free at that stage) and then give you a budget figure along with some sound advice regarding what is achievable and in budget.

I would recommend option 2, you should quickly be able to establish whether or not scaffolding is the solution you are looking for...

To answer your fundamental question - YES stages can be formed using scaffolding and have been in the past.

If you want some advice regarding reasonable scaffold contractors in the Midlands PM me I will help.
why not ask a scaffold firm if they would consider erecting for free,then take so much of the takings as payments for as long as you are performing.
This sounds like quite an expense and the budget probably won't stretch to cover it. Don't think I would put out a load of gear on an open ended contract without a clear payment schedule.
Layher event system is the dogs bolox and its easy to put up, with a couple of training days by Layher

Layher UK - Events

The only problem is, it costs ££££££££££££££££££££££££

contact them they will give you an outline design and price

and as others have said the olympics will soon be over and you may be able to pick up some 2nd hand soon :blink1:
Its all about the Milk Crates mate , just keep picking them up of the streets , zip tie them together , throw some ply on top , and Hey Presto an instant stage for free ;)
They do HSWT and i have about 20 in the yard i always grab any i see , 2 zip tied on top of each other make basing out a high lift on the pavement a doddle
:laugh::laugh::laugh: seen lads dragging benchs , dust bins down the road , beer barrels was another favourite
They do HSWT and i have about 20 in the yard i always grab any i see , 2 zip tied on top of each other make basing out a high lift on the pavement a doddle

eh, we always use these new fandangled podiums but the shops round here can't seem to keep a grip of their lemonade crates and for some strange reason they all end up in my yard. Now I think about it, I could build you a pretty big stage.:noworry:
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