BS EN 12811-1:2003 should be adhered to at all times

Ken Cain

Active member
Nov 2, 2010
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BS EN 12811-1:2003 should be adhered to at all times

Nick Johnson LLb (Hons)
Health & Safety Executive

Dear Mr Cain,

I write in response to your recent enquiry. The statements to which you refer, were posted on the web community pages of the HSE website and so originated outside of HSE. Our position is that all scaffolding must be erected by a competent person, and prior to use a signed inspection certificate must be issued confirming that the equipment has been erected in accordance with construction legislation and is safe to use.
British Standards on scaffold use (BS EN 12811-1: 2003) which should be adhered to at all times. HSE will enforce this where appropriate.


Nick Johnson LLb (Hons)
Health & Safety Executive
Work Environment Radiation and Gas Division
Desk 49, 5S.1 Redgrave Court,
Merton Road,
L20 7HS
Total confusion


The following statement has been issued by the HSE, the NASC and the Ladder Association in respect of ladders that do not have non-slip rungs in which they would like to confirm that the immediate and wholesale removal of steel pole ladders from service or the supply chain is now not necessary. They confirm that it is not a legal requirement for these ladders to conform to a specific standard. The legal requirement is that they are fit for purpose.

The purpose of my ladders is to get from A to B.

Clause 5:8:1 of BS EN 12811-1:2003 states the following;-

“Safe and ergonomic means of access shall be provided. Ladders shall be secured against unintentional loosening and shall have a slip resistant surface”.

In a round about way the HSE, NASC and the Ladder Association are saying don’t take any notice of BS EN 12811-1:2003 or Philip White’s statement.

Well, that’s how it reads to me.
Understand you.
Are they laws, guidance, best practice or safety consultants cash crop.
How do you do a days graft, what happened to fit for purpose and competent.
Murdered by safety.

**** you safety
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