British Tax Payers Money ???????????


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2010
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Back in the saddle

We're "broke" & can't help: -
Our own Senior Citizens,
Our own deserving Troops,
Our Orphans,
And the Homeless
etc . . . etc. . . etc. . .

In the last month alone we have provided aid to: -

Haiti - again!,
Pakistan - again. . .
amongst others

Our pensioners are living on a 'fixed income'
Receive no aid, or get any breaks, while our
government and religious organizations pour

Hundreds of Millions of ££££££'s
And Tons of Food
ALL to Foreign Countries!

We have thousands of adoptable children who are shoved aside
WHY . . . .
To make room for the adoption of foreign orphans!!!!!!!!!!!

Great Britain - a country where we have: -
Homeless without shelter,
Children and adults going to bed hungry,
Elderly going without 'needed' medication,
The mentally ill without treatment -etc,etc.


They are requesting donations for the people of Pakistan . . .

A country that trains British Muslim extremists
how to BOMB & KILL us!!!!
A country that ploughs millions into its nuclear programme!!!
A country with hundreds of millionaires who do sod all
for THEIR own countrymen!!!.
The same country that has passed laws so these
rich people don't pay ANY taxes!!!
The same country where most of the aid sent
DOES NOT reach the ones in need!!!

...and we have - Yet AGAIN . .
TV stations that are spouting WE are letting these people down!!!
Whilst OUR ships And OUR planes
(laughably some are Military ones)
All lined up to fly and crammed full with:
Our food . .
Our Bottled Water!!! . .
Our New Tents . .
Our New Clothes . . .
Our New Bedding . . .
OUR NHS Doctors & Nurses
And OUR medical supplies . .
Whilst UK cancer patients are denied life saving drugs!!!
And some of our OWN - from children to pensioners -
go to bed hungry!!!

Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US'

The same support they give to other countries.

Sad isn't it?

99% of people won't have the guts to forward this.

I Just Did!
i tell you what really pi sses me of is people who claim invalidatiy benefit when there is fu ck all wrong with them , there is a young fella across my road who is in a wheel chair and is severely handicapped but it dont stop him working or getting down the pub and man can he drink.The amount of people who claim for depression or over being weight and cant work is beyond a joke if they didnt sit around all day doing fu ck all except eating they wouldnt have the time to be depressed or over weight, its about time this country sorted it self out instead of a few carrying the many.
Know a young lad paralysed from waist down due to an accident, great admiration for him, He never got a penny in compo, was'nt wearing a seat belt driving and went through the windscreen when he crashed. He is a mechanic and some of us raised money so his parents could build a garage for him with a hydraulic ramp and he earns his living fixing cars. He took up wheelchair racing and has done a lot of marathons for charities. Great young lad, does'nt have time to feel sorry for himself.
this countrys a joke as we all know .we are ran by a bunch of politically correct idiots that will throw the racism card at you at any hint of patrioism . pensioners cant heat there house but we can happily give aid to people who will happily strap a bomb to themselves and kill any one including there own .i m not racist , well not that much and have good friends who are black , hindu , shiek . but until we stop cowering to the unwashed hippy type human rights muppets we are fooked. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>but when im prime minister
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