Bribery Policy


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2013
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Today a certain accreditation company asked us to supply them with our bribery policy!

Now I don't know about you guys but we have never had or needed a bribery policy.

Anyone else heard of this at all?
We had to supply one before if we still hav it will send it to u. It was easy enough keep it simple
Today a certain accreditation company asked us to supply them with our bribery policy!

Now I don't know about you guys but we have never had or needed a bribery policy.

Anyone else heard of this at all?

Keep it simple. Something along the lines of,
We only accept pounds sterling or U.S dollars :D. Made payable in a North East car park
The JCT 2011 contract, clause 8:6, refers to the bribery act 2010. On larger contracts you may be asked to demonstrate the internal measures your company is taking to comply.
As a result of this legislation any company found guilty of a breach of clause 8:6 will have their contract terminated instantly. Any company having been prosecuted under this legislation will be barred from any future works under main building contracts. I believe this can be applied also to individuals.
Most large companies have a code of ethics and conduct which employees must sign and agree to abide by. This will include agreeing not to accept or reporting any business or personal incentives offered by others.
The Gulf region has been notorious in recent years for companies gaining or giving construction contracts by way of personal incentives, bribes, kick backs etc.
However most of the large construction companies in the UK have or are currently being investigated by the serious crime squad for similar activities.
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