Bob Rogers


New member
Jan 18, 2012
Reaction score
Trowbridge, Wiltshire
Hello Everyone,
I'm a new member and joined because I am doing a study into the building of medieval towers and spires (steeples).
I am therefore looking for information on how access scaffolding was constructed, what timber was used, and any details of the knots used to tie the members together.
Is there anyone out there old enough to remember or who can point me in the right direction? :eek:
Welcome bob ,there is loads of clued up fellas on here,some one will be able to help you.I have worked on lots of churches and when you look at the work involved when these buildings were constructed I find it amazing ,as they would struggle now to build them with all the modern equipment and proper scaffolding ,these men built landmarks with bits of wood and a rope and wheel,hats off to em.
Hi and Welcome To The Scaffolders Forum!

Best Regards

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