Bit of a tough one this...


Well-known member
May 29, 2010
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I know we all get it but what can be done about cut and notched boards,cut tubes and toss pot bricklayers nocking nails in the boards to use as stays?

one smallish firm up here did a birdcage and the contractor cut the top off 127 brand new 21s...He was raging they told him to get stuffed...

With the price of kit on the up all the time you can no longer just accept it when some one puts the saw through you're new boards at £8.50 a pop....

Same problem though...charge em and bye bye work...:notrust:
Yep pisses me right off. Bought a loads of boards for one job all brand new, Couple gone missing, 2 been cut in half, I know it's not a lot but it's the point more than anything.
Also Roofers when doing their cuts slashing like f@ck with the grinder.
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Yep pisses me right off. Bought a loads of boards for one job all brand new, Couple gone missing, 2 been cut in half, I know it's not a lot but it's the point more than anything.
Also Roofers when doing their cuts slashing like f@ck with the grinder.

gents, a comprehensive set of terms and conditions and a camera.
all good bubba - but dont get it paid for as the other poster says , bye bye work , we have had this a lot over the years and the times have charged up only got paid once and that was cause MC contra charged to subbies
gents, a comprehensive set of terms and conditions and a camera.

That's all very well and good, but you have to tip-toe round these incidents depending on who the customer is.

Getting contractual is not usually the answer. I usually kick off with an email to the site manager and their QS explaining the costs involved.

Sometimes you'll get a few quid, other times they'll just say "you should have had the tubes/boards flush"

Either way, it's not worth losing any goodwill over, unless it's a mega amount of money and/or it's a one off customer with no chance of further work - although it's generally not worth the grief anyway.
all good bubba - but dont get it paid for as the other poster says , bye bye work , we have had this a lot over the years and the times have charged up only got paid once and that was cause MC contra charged to subbies

i was not saying you would get anything only it gives you some leverage to stop it happening again, i did not explain myself fully.
what gets my goat is a hire company charges for loss or damage and they even charge a cleaning we get nothin...
Its hard but like the other post are saying its something you gotta put up with or loose the work , emails to the main contractors do sometimes have a measure of effect if you tell them you will charge and its up to them to contra charge the subbies but most times they cause more problems then they solve :(
As previous usually if you winge to MC they will pas on to subby but as phil181 said you just get that it should have been the right size !!! We did a bircage in the summer and the chippies cut a load of new boards down nearly brought tears to my eyes kicked off with MC who was a one off and booked them 10.50 per board and got paid - a major one off event !!!
As previous usually if you winge to MC they will pas on to subby but as phil181 said you just get that it should have been the right size !!! We did a bircage in the summer and the chippies cut a load of new boards down nearly brought tears to my eyes kicked off with MC who was a one off and booked them 10.50 per board and got paid - a major one off event !!!

I'm sure they robbed it back off you somewhere else mate! :laugh:

Good work getting some money though.
The last firm i worked for before they went skint were pretty much site based house bashers and they just ignored the problem until the time came when they had'nt got any usable kit left...fair enough their own blokes were trashing a fair bit but thats what happened..
thats why we dont do many sites !!!
write cuts into the small print at £30 per cut on tube and boards.. dont forget unless stated in the wording..
Through our H&S committee meetings, i resolved this issue, though it wouldnt work for most of you's (Contractors):sick:
1) Any work involving the cutting of materials on a scaffold platform, must at all times, have some sort of 'Sacrificial material' to protect the Scaffold platform ie spotboards plywood or cutting template.

2) Under no circumstance may any Scaffolding boards be removed from or used as a temporary Stay,or any Nails from timber stays be nailed to a scaffold platform.

3) Only a Trained scaffolder, allowed to cut any scaffold tubes on a current working erected scaffold.

I know what you mean though lads, is it a case of saying nowt, and getting more work, or shout your gob off and get nowt:sad2:
We had a firm down here where the scaffolders carried a disc cutter & a chain saw on the lorry to make everything fit:eek:

Done some contract work for them & all the tubes are different lengths. To do a smart job was hard!!

Have had a lot of injuries from nails in boards, nearly ripped my thumb off passing a board down in a controlled manner from three lifts :laugh :sick:
stew you never told me you done smart jobs ???
You got anything yet
stew you never told me you done smart jobs ???
You got anything yet

I sometimes do smart jobs but mainly do sexy ones!!

But when doing sexy I need a lot of oil!!!!!!:D

Always looking for work to fill!!!:nuts:
best advice i can give is get exact scope of works off contracter , get to know your contractors well and always put jobs up as exact or as close as poss to the contractors blue print, therefore losses are to a minimum and if needed gives you at least half an argument regards to cuts that the job was to spec
well boys if some roofer slashed my boards with a grinder or cut 2 ft of a dozen or so 21 s i would take a stiil saw to is car van etc and give him a sports transit cheecky basterds these things cost money so wat he wont give you work does it matter hes driving round in a open top van the ****** wont do it again if that doesnt work shoot the **** lol
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