Beware of Gemini riteway


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2010
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west sussex chichester
They employed me after getting me to hand in my notice at my old job then they lay me off saying they can't be fucked to gather my everdince for my ticket but they keep a labourer on without a single ticket or experience I'm due to be a father in just 14 weeks and they striped of my lively hood so untill I can't find more work I can't provide for my family thanks Gemini you bunch of no good worthless cnuts!!!!!!!!!
Put it down to experience Jay and move on, you got a family to look after. There seems to be a bit around at the mo..Good luck mate.
Do yourself a favour and move on,but dont tell the next mob that you are due to be a father they will panic at the thought of having to pay paternity of luck bud
The bit that pisses me off is that they rang me to work for them not the other way round then after I leave the other firm they lay me off
who was it that called you. they go through managers like anything
The supervisor and his **** head manager brenton chipper biggest pair of pricks going I think after doing this to a family
They are all the same mate, they don't care about your family, house or bills you have to pay, as long as they are making money.

I got 'layed' off without a penny after 5 years service becuase of a little snow last year, 4 weeks before x-mas and 2 weeks before my missus was due.

Onwards and upwards....
Majority of firms will screw you over mate.
Will your old firm take you back ? Have you tried calling up your old gaffer
He would of done but my place has now been filled as he a good fella and don't con people he won't just sack that bloke which is fair play
That's fair enough. Worth giving him a bell to let him know your looking for work so if owt comes up he can get on to you
Mate i know where your coming from, spent time on that firm in tangmere many moons ago when Steve Clinton was manager and stu Gill was supervisor they helped me out alot and the firm wasn't to bad, but i hear through the vine there struggling to find work as NJS is cutting them up?
Best thing to do is have a quick ring round, Try SCA think there in pompey docks:0870677772 or Mainline and talk to John laurence he's got plenty on 07766016324, Liddiards i think have plenty of work, there petersfield same as Mainline 01730 710578.
It is sh!t when something like that happens to you but sometimes you gotta count your blessings and your lucky you got out now!
Try that lot and ive got other numbers if ya need em!

(You dont become a scaffolder Your Born One)
Every firm is the same.

They dont give 2 fukks about any of us.
You can be the most honest, loyal and hardworking bloke in the world, if a cheaper/better replacement comes available, then your sacked - No matter how hard you have worked for the firm in the past.

Its as simple as that.
Its not right, but its how Scaffolding companies operate, im afraid.

One day they will realise that they need us, AS MUCH as we need them.
Too many bosses think its all about them... but it aint, its about us.

They can have the most organised yard, most dedicated contract managers, the biggest jobs - If they have no one to put the work up, then they are fukked.
They employed me after getting me to hand in my notice at my old job then they lay me off saying they can't be fucked to gather my everdince for my ticket but they keep a labourer on without a single ticket or experience I'm due to be a father in just 14 weeks and they striped of my lively hood so untill I can't find more work I can't provide for my family thanks Gemini you bunch of no good worthless cnuts!!!!!!!!!

He would of done but my place has now been filled as he a good fella and don't con people he won't just sack that bloke which is fair play

Well why did you leave the job you had, you said he was a good fella, go with another company when your missus is due in fourteen weeks, maybe you thought the money was going to be better, if you dont have the proper tickets, then its you that f**ked up. Your only a number with most big firms these days, should have made sure you had everything in place before you jumped.:sick:
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