Beware boy's


May 2, 2010
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West Yorkshire
Date:11 February 2013Release No:SCO/006/13

A self-employed scaffolder has been fined after a member of the public suffered head injuries after walking into an unguarded metal pole.

Rothesay Sheriff Court was told today (11 Feb) that Thomas Hannen was contracted by Argyll and Bute Council in January 2011 to erect scaffolding around the disused Royal Hotel on Rothesay seafront, on the Isle of Bute, so the council could assess the building's condition.

Early on 26 January, Mr Hannen and two employees began erecting the scaffolding. Members of the public were not excluded, or in any way actively discouraged, from using the pavement beneath the work area.
Later that morning a council surveyor visited the site and drew Mr Hannen's attention to an upright scaffolding pole that was obstructing the pavement. Before he left the site he mentioned to Mr Hannen that it was a busy pavement and that he should ensure people were safe.

As a result, a scaffolding pole was placed horizontally between two of the upright poles at a height of about 1.5 metres above ground level. No padding or warning tape was wrapped around it to soften any inadvertent contact, make it easily visible or to alert members of the public to its presence.

Later that morning, a 61-year-old local woman walking underneath the scaffolding, hit her head on the horizontal pole. She was taken to hospital with a head injury which required stitches, and more seriously, fractures to her left ankle caused by her falling as a result of her impact with the pole.

An investigation into the incident by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that Thomas Hannen failed to:

take advantage of the offer made to him by the local authority building standards officer to have the footpath where he was working temporarily closed;

complete any risk assessment or, alternatively, any risk assessment that was completed appears to have been wholly inadequate and did not guard against risk to pedestrians;

erect a scaffold on a pavement with any diversion in place to exclude members of the public from the work area;

display any warning signs alerting the public that it was dangerous to be in the work area such as putting padding or warning tape around any of the scaffolding poles prior to the incident;

instruct his workers to attach padding or tape around the scaffolding under erection.

Thomas Hannen, 62, of, Ascog, Rothesay, was fined £1,670 after pleading guilty to breaching sections 3(2) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

After sentencing, HSE Inspector Gerry Muir, said:

"This was an awful accident to a member of the public that could easily have been avoided had Mr Hannen taken some simple, readily available precautions.

"Anyone planning construction work in public places should ensure they carry out a risk assessment that identifies potential dangers to members of the public and take adequate steps to prevent them."

For more information and guidance about health and safety in the construction industry log on to the HSE website at: [URL][/URL][1]
Sounds like he put a five across to stop people walking underneath,and the little old lady must have been small,as lots of little old ladys are,oh dear:eek:h:
Isn't it the firms responsibility to provide barriers to put up a pedestrian diversion, and tube sponge and tape etc? Whys the blame on the individual (unless he actually did have what he needed but couldn't be arsed)
It is your responsibility of the safety of your self and others under the act.
I always wonder with these fines,where the money goes. Did the old dear get compensation. Do the hospitals get something. Is it there to keep judges in work.
Well,weve all been warned,:worried:accidents are what they are. human error.
Think his stupidity got him what he deserved should av been would we guys feel if that was our little old mum or nan that got hurt. Ffs doesnt take much to put a couple of cones & some barrier tape around u
Makes ya cringe reading that, schoolboy error... They should know better working on the streets!!! Maybe his fine will teach him some common sense!!
Serves the pr1ck right, he got told what to do and completely ignored the good advise given, if the boot was on the other foot he would have been spitting feathers if it had been his mother or some close relation
Serves the pr1ck right, he got told what to do and completely ignored the good advise given, if the boot was on the other foot he would have been spitting feathers if it had been his mother or some close relation

How you doing bren,nice to see you posting again mate;)
HI steve

Doing ok mate decided to come in from the cold LOL, how are you and Sharron keeping good i hope.

We're good thanks pal,thing's are starting to look a bit more positive workwise,at last,i've never known anything like the last 6 month's ffs,but there's light at the end of tunnel at long last;):cool:
Rothesay, is in my area and the enforcement officer involved covers me as well. I don't want to say too much as I don't know all the details or history but there have been one or two serious incidents stretching back a few years now on the island. I take it this will mean a visit from Mr Muir in the not too distant future, so thanks for the post Rigger.;)
These events usually kicks off further unannounced visits, just nice to know what to expect.
If people dont listen to sound advice expect the worst AOM, it just takes one plonker to spoil it for the rest
self employed as with an agency you will have to pay.
the fact that at 1.5 then he and anyone else deserve what they get
Did HE have CISRS?the so called best practice
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