Batten security


New member
Jul 13, 2011
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Evening all,

Are there specified periods when battens should be secured? i.e from Oct to March. If so, where is this documented?:confused::confused:

Battens blew off a top lift due to unseasonable winds last week which are not expected in July!!

Nothing that simple Rob

Each job to be assesed on its own attributes

TG 20 has a lot of info on the effects of wind on scaffold structures

The HSE will claim (if they are involved) that it was a known hazard that boards could be blown from the scaffold and you took no action to stop this action occuring.

To claim an act of god, (unseasonal winds) as a defence, in my opinion is not strong enough
Correcticus Rigger.
Have you heard of safelinx mate? Seems to be very popular for al conditions.
Hi Robm, welcome to the forum. A subject very close to my own heart, and after some research I have decided the best way to secure boards all year round is the safelinks units as described by Frederik and also seen on other threads. You don't mention what area you are working in but working in the West coast of Scotland with amongst the highest wind codes in the country we were always happy securing our boards from October to March or there about. This year has seen the strongest winds that I can remember with January gales regularly blowing at different times right up to June. Here we are mid-summer and we are still fitting the units on all our jobs. The old original guidance I think stated that a 13" board should have sufficient self weight to withstand wind up-lift or words to that affect, but as Rigger has stated it's all down to individual risk assessment which in short is just another way of making it a simpler for Mr hse to bring a successful prosecution against you should things go awry. Another benefit from using these units that we discovered by accident is that daft roofers seem to be a bit more reluctant to lift the inside boards to use on their roof brackets. The only guidance I can remember off the top of my head regarding fixing boards is short boards for ladder access and the like must be fixed down all the time.
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