Australian ticket


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Jun 12, 2012
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Ive just spoken to my mate through email who is working out in australia and he said to get out there before january to do my tickets because theres a new law coming in that you cant do you tickets after january the 1'st 2013 and they can only be gained through a apprenticeship ? ive looked online and seen a couple of websites saying about this ? anybody got any information on this ?
Just another money making scheme like here... grandfather rights out the window, so you end up with 40-50 year olds scaffolding 20 odd years, doing their part 1s and 2s.
well said have a spanner i think it would also be a good idea to reasess the current scaffolders and give them a ticket to suit there knowledge.

Same as the voc,s here you turn up listen to the instructor and there you go passed and off you go to earn 3k plus a week in my opinion the reason there is so many accidents and incidents in australia is because of the lack of experience.
I wouldnt envy you being in a job you were in mate. the trouble is they think more training solves everything but it dont you cant buy experience.

look how many scaffs you meet that are scaffolders riggers and crane drivers yet a few years ago they were picking fruit its a joke.

And it aint just the aussies poms irish and kiwi,s aswell
Exactly mate. I had some yardies who asked for a job as a scaffolder. I said you are not scaffolders. They said we are doing our tickets next week!! Unbelievable. We had cooks, chefs, butchers, bakers and probably a few candlestick makers all earning top dollar on the backs of a few good men.
Who will be doing the new assesments?

Cause unless you are going to replace the vast majority of the current crop of RTO's and their trainers ( not adidas) all the kings horses and all the kings men cant put scaffold together in the first farking place, so how do they teach anyone else?
Just another money making scheme like here... grandfather rights out the window, so you end up with 40-50 year olds scaffolding 20 odd years, doing their part 1s and 2s.
longun I dont think they take 40 and 50 year olds anyway, so the grandfather rights tickets are irrelevent unless I'm mistaken.
Come to think of it, I dont know any grandfather rights scaffolders that are still on the tools.
Does anyone else?:unsure:
what are grandfather rights?

right your use to recive for doing it for so long eg driving a wagon and when they made it law that you needed a licence to drive them people already driving b4 that date earned grandfather rights and were still allowed to drive them with out the said licence
right your use to recive for doing it for so long eg driving a wagon and when they made it law that you needed a licence to drive them people already driving b4 that date earned grandfather rights and were still allowed to drive them with out the said licence

Exactly the same with scaffolding. When they bought the card system in and you were already scaffolding you got the card applicable to the standard your company said you were at or dependant on how many years you had been doing it. Otherwise everyone would have had to attend a course.
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