Associated running costs


New member
May 20, 2010
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Hi crew,
I am looking into developing a scaffolding operation from the ground up and ask for those in the know to give me some advise on the associated running costs of a scaffold business. Insurance on the lorry and for each member of the workforce - does the business itself need public liability insurance cover? All help is thoroughly appreciated.
PL insurance
yard rent
lorry maintenance
health and safety policy

and on and on and on :)
And that list is endless as we know phillios
Scaffold yards

I believe there exists a requirement by the Health and Safety Act to have suitable and adequate storage facilities (yard) for the purpose of storage of materials. Is there any other statuary requirements I should take into consideration for the purpose of selecting a yard?
have a open cheque book and be prepared to give up your social life mate and good luck.
I believe there exists a requirement by the Health and Safety Act to have suitable and adequate storage facilities (yard) for the purpose of storage of materials. Is there any other statuary requirements I should take into consideration for the purpose of selecting a yard?

Are you for real?? have you ever turned a spanner??
If you dont have a yard where you going to store your kit, in a wheelie bin???
parking tickets , parking tickets and err more parkin tikets
I believe there exists a requirement by the Health and Safety Act to have suitable and adequate storage facilities (yard) for the purpose of storage of materials. Is there any other statuary requirements I should take into consideration for the purpose of selecting a yard?

If renting, just what ever is available large enough to store what ever kit you have at the moment but keep security high on your list of priorities. If buying, the biggest badest site you can raise the capitol for as you will very quickly grow in to it. (but keep security blah)
Welcome Roosterbooster do you mind if I ask what experiance you have within the industry. Not that I am a nosey tw@t! ah fook it. yes I am a nosey Tw@t.
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