Are you buying extra fuel to prepare for a possible strike by fuel tanker drivers?

Are you buying extra fuel to prepare for a possible strike by fuel tanker drivers?

  • yes

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • no

    Votes: 12 80.0%

  • Total voters
I filled up today just before they sold out. Today is my lucky day!

My tank was a quarter full, so it wasn't exactly panic buying. But what are people to do when faced with uncertainty of supply which will affect their livelihoods?

IMO, the government have fabricated this panic since as there are fewer filling stations around, there is less storage capacity. Therefore, the fuel has to be stored in car/van/truck fuel tanks to minimise the effect when/if a strike occurs.

I voted yes, not because I've filled up a jerrycan, but because I filled up sooner than I would normally do.
Down to my last 71 miles and cannot fill up anywhere, all this panic buying has been started by this incompetent fuck1ng government who have stirred up a hornets nest with their propaganda over the fuel strike, what is really annoying is if and its a big if the tanker drivers do strike they have to give a weeks notice of their strike date so why when nobody has informed the general public of the said strike date are people panic buying, this country at the moment is just one big fook up
had to fill up anyway was nearly empty, local garage put another 5p on, shame on them
Maximum £30 of juice around here until they run out.
i would do if i could find a garage with fuel, looks like we'll be in vans tomorror with no lorries out.....could be worse .could be a monday instead of a friday
Tanker drivers get around £54K a year for a four day week plus a good pension.

Sounds hard done by!!!

Unite the Union are backing industrial action yet they planned the removal of the ECITB scaffolders card & will not back their members to earn a basic wage in scaffolding !!!

Always the bottom of the pile!!!

Scaffolding: Most underrated and unappreciated job in the world...
Doesn't seem like anything has changed round here and if I'm honest I would love to have a decent excuse for not leaving the yard for a couple of weeks. 2 weeks on the lash and a few games of golf in between might be just what we need.:cool:
I just had to queue for 30mins at my local garage because the gf's car had 000 miles on the gauge.We drove past 4 garages with no fuel & this is in Oxfordshire.I hope all the ***** buying fuel needed it coz we did...
Haha phil just filled up today with the old cherry and I will be running on this until it gets sorted...
If stopped I will take it to court ....
But sir I need to work or I will be forced to run around the city smashing windows and setting fires to pay for food for my family
i was hopeing!! this was a strike of the people not happy with the rate of petrol and getting ripped off every day with the fuel prices everybody moans but dont do nish about it!! get the olde step toe and son wagon out and ring alf garnett up they didnt have any problems bet its a sambo as alf garnett would say causing the trouble lmfao!!!!!
had a right result 100lt of crisp & dry for £30 will get me from a-b but the smell makes me so hungry
I think the government have made a balls up of the situation but even someone with room temperature IQ can see that the proposed strikes haven't even been announced yet. The people who are panic buying are morons. Because of these morons, it is forcing those of us with common sense to fill up before we were going to as supplies are artificially low.

One thing I would say is when is Ed Milliband going to come out publicly and condemn the strike? Answer- never. It was the unions who put him into the position he is in. Like a typical labour leader, he can't be seen to bite the hands that is feeding him and his party.
The Unite union seems to be run by the likes of the communist union leaders from the 1970s. There only approach is to threaten to strike. They did it with British Airways last year and they are trying to do it with workers on the London Underground.
They have been offered an additional £850 each to work (doing the same job they do week in, week out) during the olympics but no, they are wanting more.
They only pick fights where they assume they have a good chance of winning. Like has been mentioned, where were they when it came to lads with ECITB cards? I'll tell you....nowhere. Who could they threaten with strike action over that one? No-one

Rant over, those people just p1ss me off
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