Are times that bad at the min?

Mar 17, 2011
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Whats going on at the min?

Was told yesterday Century scaffolding, SeaBro Scaffolding and another firm cant remember name of the top of my head have all gone into liquidation:amazed:

Max posted on here about Century yesterday, but can't believe SeaBro have gone/going aswell they were massive.

People doing jobs for wages has ruined the game i know, but surely thats not enough to kill off the bigger firms? All i can presume is they have been knocked a lot of money??? Or they are in the process of starting up under another name like a lot tend to do:D
I work for a largish firm, things are getting a bit tight for us too. The bigger you are, the more overheads you have to cover before even earning any profit.
Joe bloggs bodgit and bashit scaffolding undercutting you left right and centre driving prices down dont help anyone.

p.s. can you send me your contact details, might have some design work for you.
nobodys ever too big to go under especially in these conditions lets hope for better times.
We insure many hundreds of contractors (mainly scaffolders) and, touch wood, the percentage going into administration is less that 1%. Most of these then set up under another name anyway.

It's probably the bigger firms that are suffering most at the moment, as they rely on large government and private sector projects which are being delayed or scrapped.
Whats going on at the min?

Was told yesterday Century scaffolding, SeaBro Scaffolding and another firm cant remember name of the top of my head have all gone into liquidation:amazed:

Everyone is entitled to gossip but posting statements such as this is pretty bad form. It only aids to spread false rumours. I can't comment on Century scaffolding but I would say you are off the mark with SeaBro Ltd.
Whats going on at the min?

Was told yesterday Century scaffolding, SeaBro Scaffolding and another firm cant remember name of the top of my head have all gone into liquidation:amazed:

Everyone is entitled to gossip but posting statements such as this is pretty bad form. It only aids to spread false rumours. I can't comment on Century scaffolding but I would say you are off the mark with SeaBro Ltd.

I can tell you 100% century Have gone Hence why im looking for a job,
Yeh heard that last week , dont think seabro have tho
Whats going on at the min?

Was told yesterday Century scaffolding, SeaBro Scaffolding and another firm cant remember name of the top of my head have all gone into liquidation:amazed:

Everyone is entitled to gossip but posting statements such as this is pretty bad form. It only aids to spread false rumours. I can't comment on Century scaffolding but I would say you are off the mark with SeaBro Ltd.

Not gossip I am asking the question here, have they or have they not, I have heard they have gone but struggle to believe it myself, especially as all there work is site work, as much as we hate it, there is allways extra money to be made on building site's.
I am sure a mate of mine knows a few on SeaBro i will see if he can confirm it
Well considering the drop in production over the whole of the UK in the construction industry I wouldn't be surprised about anyone struggling. Most of the biggest house builders have only six plots per site erected and won't move till sales pick up
Right Now Mate Theres No Money At All To Be Made On Building Sites,Hate It Or Not. This Downturn Has Jiggered Many A Building Company And With It Blokes Like Us,I Know Of About Five Or Six Good Sized Scaffolding Companies Who Are Good For Subbies Like Me To Deal With That Are Not Even Breaking Even,And You Dont Need To Be Einstien To Work Out That Cant Last,
Personally im finding site work pretty good at the min, ive really seen an upturn in these past few months. We predominately work on sites and have always found it to be good bread and butter money. I think the problem is that people are making a stick for there own back by buying work, cut the rates to much and its hard to trade out of - its the start of a vicious circle
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George, Since The Downturn In 2008 Ive Seen Both Income And Production Fall Fairly Drastically,And The Reason I Think (For Income Anyway) Is Most Firms I Subbie To Slashed The Rates To Subbies Like Me,With The Result That The House Building Firms Always Look For The Cheapest Option.You Could Be The Busiest Scaffolder In The Country, But If You Aint Making A Profit Or Are Doing Jobs For Nothing Why Bother?
In the words of Lord Sugar "turnover is vanity but profit is sanity"

I agree totally with that, my concern is for the companies to slash prices to get the work it makes it so difficult to get back where we - ( who are specialists with what we do ) should be. For example - i have my pricing structure at per LM, which takes everything into account, cause when i take on that contract im fixed in, other firms are pricing against me (normal procedure) and are doing it at half my rate- How can they do it ?
If you take a look at who is pricing against you I bet they only have mobile phone numbers. I mean no office number so they can charge what they want as they never pay tax then just shut up shop before they get court. No insurance or if they have probable paid the first payment and stopped the direct debt you no like tax a car in the old days LOL. The problem is the main contract puts the brick work out to tender then the bricky takes the scaffold on as well because the main contractor does not want the risk with scaffolding anything happens the **** falls on the brick company
Brings us back to a different thread now - cards and being time served - its mad
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