are things really that bad out there


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2010
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been on the hunt most of the day for a start anywhere south west ish after being f"cked about yet again this morning by a agency.after a wasted 3 hr+ trip to Oxford and back decided to go around most of the scaffold yards in Bristol and then hit the internet looking for that elusive job and up to now nothing...plenty of emails and CV sent off over the last few days and still nowt....
am starting to believe that things are really that bad and the jobs are just not there any more....think I have had it to good being offshore for so long...most of the time on this site you will find at least 8/9/10+ scaffs looking at the job section....will it get any better ....its got to.....aint it.....
for f"cks sake:confused::confused:
things are pretty bad mate i bin hunting 4 jobs 4 3weeks now an hardly anything goin its quite worrying mate
Things are very rough. our company is ticking over but tickin is all we are doing... having to slash prices to compete isnt helping 1 bit either so that means less money to play with = less man hrs to do each task...
Historically this time of year is slow, however, it has been slower that usual.

Lets hope that the onset of Spring and the better weather will herald in the shut-down season and new builds...

I got to say, a few of my M8's who have the means to relocate oversea's have done so, all be it temporarily, but , who knows if there will be a resurgence of the volumes of work to keep everyone's head above the water...

Cut backs and moth balling of large Projects has stalled the Employment Market, anyway it's March or Die Lads, 2moro's an other day ;)
not a whinge at all, just stateing that its become quite hard 2 find work. which is true. So unless u got any useful input, dont bother, id like 2 think the whole point 2 the scaffolders forum is 2 help eachother in such times not just slag people off whilst there struggling finding work!
works like money its no good to you unless you ante got any january mankee month every year!!!
very true and slow down this end at the moment too
not a whinge at all, just stateing that its become quite hard 2 find work. which is true. So unless u got any useful input, dont bother, id like 2 think the whole point 2 the scaffolders forum is 2 help eachother in such times not just slag people off whilst there struggling finding work!

Wasn't aimed at you directly Stuart, just making a bold statement as I have seen it so many times before on this site. don't get your knickers in a twist pal.
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