arctic weather...


Well-known member
May 29, 2010
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Any ideas on what we are all gonna do for money if this weather hangs around for another couple of months??:sad:
Any ideas on what we are all gonna do for money if this weather hangs around for another couple of months??:sad:

Move to Ausie where it's nice and warm for a month and watch the cricket :idea:

Now I have woken up I am bloooooody frezzzzzzing :eek:
Not really, the thaw is due to hit here come Thursday but who knows.

If it was to continue for a couple of months you would be left with a straight choice, either no money or take a risk to get something done. How do they deal with it in Scandinavia, surely they are not out sliding about a snow laden scaffold?
give ian duncan smith a nice phone call and see if he can facilatate us with a small crisis loan,couple of those should see us through.
I would rather chew my own arm off than talk to him or any of his cohorts.
How have you been at the gym the last couple of months.:D
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