

Well-known member
Mar 22, 2011
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Any advice on taking on an apprentice ?
My son is interested so I thought I would ask the forum . Many thanks in advance ,
Great idea in practice, but in real life there are a few problems to overcome
currently im told there is a waiting list to join the limited spaces at college and there is only an intake every 6 months
funding will probably be cut soon as the goverment thinks about another new idea to save the economy and then the providers will shy away from it
3 years of low wage but you do get a more varied training experience
Any advice on taking on an apprentice ?
My son is interested so I thought I would ask the forum . Many thanks in advance ,

Are you taking him on yourself Guymac?

If you are, the funding is good at the moment but depending on where you live there is a big waiting list. Get the young fla to sign on to the B-constructive web site as soon as you can to get an application going. We were told we would need to wait about 7 months or more but got a cancellation so speak with your local rep who will only be too glad to help you out.

There are many who talk our trade down, I have had a few good moans myself but there is still a future for a well trained young boy in this game.
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