AOM 1000 Posts!

SF Admin

Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Just a quick one to say Well Done to AOM on reaching the 1000 posts landmark!

You have made a great contribution to the forum since you joined in February!

Thank you for all of your high-quality, insightful comments!

Best Regards

SF Admin
It's easy when he's snowed in for 8 months of the year and the other 4 he's playing golf, what a life Alister. Really nice chap well.
Well done AOM...
Don't forget to get that Jeep serviced for the real winter...
Keep it up.
Well done AOM at least you give at least two word answers!!!!
Thanks every one, I must admit the posts were more questions than answers but then again that is what the forum is for. Mon the scaffs.:D
Who'da thought one man could have so much to say!!! :) Well done!!
Don't give us that Better Tax, your no stranger to a chin wag round the water cooler.:D:D
Well Done mate :cool:

Lot of sense in a lot of posts, and as you know the only silly question is the one you do not ask

here's to the next 1,000 :cool:
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