any offshore health n safety people on here


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
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The Arena of Life ( TOON )
alright chaps is any members on here health and safety managers or personel for offshore , i have a friend who is going offshore as health an safety advisor who has lots an lots of petrochemical, gas instalations experience , onshore drilling etc etc but hasnt actually been offshore and is looking for help and advice on what to expect out there and some examples of risk assessments method statements to compare against his own stuff so he can get a basic grip of things before he goes out .

any help much appreciated either reply to topic or pm thanks :unsure:
Hi Superscaff,

I would think if your mate has loads of petrochemical experience he wouldn't find a great deal of difference with the offshore stuff. All the company's will have quite a complicated system for rams and permits and even the hierarchy for issuing them will vary quite wildly from rig to rig but for all will provide plenty training for individuals involved with that side of things. My advice for a safety man would be the same as I would give a scaff, first couple of trips keep the mouth shut and the eyes open and he will soon be up to speed on whatever rig he finds himself on.
thats basically what i said , at one point he was even considering not accepting the job, i told him he was mad pointed him towards the step change safety website and forum which is all about rig safety, and said i would post up in here for him , he is panicking over how the sea effects things , i think he thinks everything is done while being thrown about by the sea and that the rig will do same lol :laugh:
Brilliant, they even have a pool table on some of the semi's. :D
i have this vision of him imagining that everyday you get your rowing boat out and hook it up to a big drill, or derricks or big pipes and tow them around in big waves then dropping anchor while you drill or weld some pipes while being thrown all over in the wash waves crashing over side of dinghy wetting his welding torch putting the flame out :laugh::laugh::laugh:

im sure that is what image he has in his head :laugh:
thats basically what i said , at one point he was even considering not accepting the job, i told him he was mad pointed him towards the step change safety website and forum which is all about rig safety, and said i would post up in here for him , he is panicking over how the sea effects things , i think he thinks everything is done while being thrown about by the sea and that the rig will do same lol :laugh:

Stepchange in safety, has a great Union H&S rep called raymondscaff, he is a great guy and very knowledgeable, your mate would be good to be on his side first, then put the tie on.

Raymond will aid all, however, he will shame all, if not up to task.

Paddy Tech (IOSH) SCCR H&S Development Secretary
Ha HA brilliant. This could have gone on another thread as I'm quite sure there are loads of stories about first trips. Mine was on another thread but at the risk of boring you the Mrs packed my bag full of clothes fit for the artic circle, padded ovies and massive wooly jumpers and socks, walked out the boot locker looking like the michelin man.:eek:

---------- Post added at 10:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 PM ----------

Forgot to tell you it was 90 degree's.:eek:

---------- Post added at 10:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 PM ----------

Forgot to tell you it was 90 degree's.:eek: I had to scrounge light weights off the welders.
ha ha first rule of going anywhere is pack your own bag :laugh:

yes paddy you are correct and i see raymondoscaff regularly in postings an topics etc etc

its a site i found while googling stuff while doing my nebosh courses ive only posted on there a handful of times but im always checking it out cos i get the email updates every few days ,

ive told him its the best place i know of where he can freely ask or talk about how things work on the rigs with regard to health n safety n welfare etc etc
hello there... genie ere.. im offshore at the mo as safety advisor, 2nd trip in, tell ya mate not to worry as he will soon pick things up.. not much different to what he has already done.. the paperworks slightly different.. let his eyes and ears do the work
ah.. yes toffeescaff u are correct i was a tagman without a radio on my last offshore project.. but half way thro the project the PSN nightshift safety guy jacked and i was asked to cover until the end of the project, i had previously worked for cape for a few years as an advisor at sellafield..
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