Another Forum Problem

SF Admin

Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
It looks like the forum was down again from around 11 O'clock last night.

It should now be working fine again.

I will try and get to the bottom of this as it is the 2nd time it has happened in a week.

Sorry again for any inconvenience caused.

Best Regards

SF Admin
well, I'm alright, Jack, cos I was safely tucked up in bed by 11 and only just got here now :)

eww, admin, I don't relish your task of sorting it out but it's so annoying when these outages happen. We've had a few glitches with our website - it ain't good for business!
Was on the forum last night and was having problems connecting, clicked on internet explorer and it said my computer was fine but a firewall was blocking access. All double dutch to me.
yeah it screwed up on me last night again, id just wrote that scafftag post , quite a few words to type for a one sausage fingered typist like myself then it wouldnt post, so i threw a hissy fit impression of zeberdy, spat my dummy rit out i did , then it eventually posted but was very slow, roll on another hot head moment an fecked of to kip
Exact same as myself, didn't think it did post so nearly threw the lap top out the window, glad I never as when it came back on my post was there.:embarrest:
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