An email from...... Barbara Cole


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2010
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North Korea
Hello I am Barbara Cole, I am 15 years old girl I live in Bolton UK before my father passed away in a car accident 3 years ago, I now leave with my step mother in Warrington, My mother died immediately she gave birth to me.

My late father Mr. Norman Cole was a big business man in UK before he died in a car accident 2007 I am the only child of my father, he died 3 days after the accident so he Will all his life savings to me, I have been trying to collect the funds from the bank but the bank MD CEO refused, he said I should present someone old enough so he can transfer the funds to the person that I can’t be in control of the huge amount of funds because I am a teenage and it is against the UK law.

I would have told my step mother to assist me in collecting the funds from the bank but she is not a good woman, my father warned me about her before he died, now that I leave with her I now understand that what my father said about her was true, Now that I stay with her in Warrington she don’t give me attention she don’t care if I am alright or not, all she do is to take hard drugs and bring different men to the house. I don’t want to have anything to do with her. If I get her involved in this she will use all the funds to take hard drugs.

All I wish for right now is someone old enough and honest to help me collect my funds from the bank as I am still a teenage and it is against the UK law. Why I can't wait until i am 18 years is because what my step mother is doing to me is not fair and i don't want her to Influence me with her bank life style i just wan't to leave so i can leave a better life.

I know we don’t know each other but please I need your help if you can assist me to collect the funds from the bank I will give you 50% out of the funds, Then you will help me invest my 50% until I am 18 and I will be staying with you or you will get somewhere for me to stay until I am 18 years old.

If you agree to help me, I will send you a copy of the Will and my picture so you will know me, and I will send you the contact of the Bank and tell you how much is the funds so you can contact them, and I will inform the bank that you will contact them that you are the person that want to help me. I will be waiting for your urgent reply so I can send you the contact of the bank and my father’s Will and death certificate.

Please this letter has to be confidential, if my step mother finds out about this, she will kill me, and please I need your 100% trust and loyalty because the lawyer I got involved wanted to made away with the money, so I told the bank not to transfer the funds to him, I already promised to give you half of the funds so please be honest with me.

If you are interested please reply me on my email: or you can call me on my mobile no: 44-702-402-9317.

Yours Faithfully,

Barbara Cole

Very interesting E-mail here. First off, nice of her to trust me with the money and all that. Sounds a nice girl as well. Types like she was in involved in the RTA as well, but we'll let her off there.

Few issues with the message though. I'll begin with the contact details. From: Barbara Norman Cole <> Now, Miss Cole already informed me that her E-mail address was "" so why she sent it from a different one I don't know.

Not entirely sure why a girl in Warrington would sign up for a Japanese Yahoo account, but I'm getting bogged down in details here. She makes some excellent points and has some good ideas too: I now leave with my step mother in Warrington Good idea. It's a **** tip.

I need your 100% trust and loyalty because the lawyer I got involved wanted to made away with the money Yep, that's lawyers for you.

I don't want her to Influence me with her bank life style Yeah, drugs and sex, sounds well wicked, proper bank innit.

A few other details I pick up on. She has had contact with the outside world, such as the MD CEO of a bank (most of us speak to a desk clerk, not Barbara "Mother ******* Bank" Cole. She goes straight to the man at the top), so why hasn't she made anyone aware of the life she is stuck in. I feel like responding with the Childline number or giving Social Services a call.

I have never heard of "big business man in UK" Norman Cole. Realise that is where Barbs (I call her Barbs now) got her Masculine middle name from. What's concerning is that Norman knew of this woman's (the step-mother) indiscretions (the sex and drugs), and even with all the money he possessed, left his daughter to exist in that environment. What a selfish *******. Even with all the money given to her, it still wouldn't be appropriate for Barbs to be walking the Earth by herself. She could have been raped by a Premier League footballer.

I also realise that now the message isn't "confidential", Barbs will be killed, but I'd like her to know, in that split second before death, I was thinking of her:
Lets face it you only read that cause it started of 15 year old girl !!!
If it had said boy you would have replied
Ha ha u silly c unt dont judge others by ya self mr white lightning
you 2 should have your own show, pmsl..daft nrvun fu,kas..keep em coming lads lol
Frederik, scaffy and VLLB are pie n mash and jellied EEl guys same as you.

Not Northerners like some of us.... by the way, mate , i am a Geordie not a Northerner, and jackdan is and allways will be a Mackem.

[ame=]YouTube - Newcastle vs sunderland away[/ame]
Dear paddy i think young ginge is being uncomplimentry to your fineself
sorry paddy,cant stand jellied eels and wouldnt feed pie and mash to my neighbors cat, I thought valolebo came from leeds originally and scaffy,well I didnt have clue where hes from. sorry to upset you with norvun monkees comments,its all a bit of fun. Im just a souvern softy at heart. I thought newcastle was up norf. But my good Geordie friend,I shall never ever,in any post mention the N word again.
Since when has iran been a suburb of orpington ?
I meant Little Iran.

---------- Post added at 09:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 PM ----------

Or did I mean Beirut? Hastings/ Beirut = Same thing. Think I meant Beirut. Scaffy is from Lebanon. :laugh:

---------- Post added at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 PM ----------

Anyway, get back to the original post about Cheryl Cole that I posted you wanna be Northern Fcuckers, Paddy Carr excepted. Beep.
Scaffy are you kent or kentish man, dont want any misunderstandings here
Mate i dont live in hastings as previously explained brew locator
sorry paddy,cant stand jellied eels and wouldnt feed pie and mash to my neighbors cat, I thought valolebo came from leeds originally and scaffy,well I didnt have clue where hes from. sorry to upset you with norvun monkees comments,its all a bit of fun. Im just a souvern softy at heart. I thought newcastle was up norf. But my good Geordie friend,I shall never ever,in any post mention the N word again.

No affront taken my friend, However, there is Northerners, who like the word is self explanatory, but have no OOmph. Then there is smoggies who have no oomph whatsoever, but nobody would ever tell them that Face to face.

Mackems, who say " can we buy a bit of OOmph"

Geordies, we are that OOomph.

Chelsea headhunters are putting us up for the match tomorrow, BBQ afterwards, Us or them depends on the score.:D
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