Aluminium Beams


Feb 14, 2011
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Hi All,

Is it against legislation to use an Aluminium beam for a chain block to be attached for rigging in use of a lifting frame?

Beam picked up from both sides, top and bottom chords, Check fittings all in correct place, plan brace etc.

Does anyone out there have any EN BS guidlines on this subject???
Ok we have all seen TG20:08 and SG4:10 and know that is what is supposed to happen, however, a \bit sad really, when driving to work, how many front and back scaffs i pass, where they are on a main thouroughfare, and there are no handrails in place on the progressive 1st,2nd lifts. Top working lift sound as a Huckleberry, however, the scaffs have left themselves wide open to prosecution, by not leaving a single handrail on for the Scaffolders safety zone.

That is the sort of evidence the HSE are looking for, leave a Handrail on guys, ffs one long will do on a terraced front, then you can say you used AGR or step-platform.
Not illegal. There must be a tube though fixed to top and bottom chord at the node point.
Anything over 1000kg for a static lift requires a drawing. If they are going to transfer the load, ie pull it along the lifting frame or pull it off centre from the node point then a drawing is required for any weight.
the answer to this is that the client fixes the block around the top and bottom cord not just the bottom and as above anything over 100kg needs a drawing
Thanks for the confirmation guys, its just along the lines as I thought, just wanted a bit of backup before I argeued the case with the powers that be! ;)
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