Agencies /firms.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2013
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Why don't agencies/ firms. Give more notice. A job can be advertised on here let's say at 4pm to start 7.30 the next morning poss 3-4 hundred miles away or more. & your expected to drop everything to be there on time n get digs sorted in the meantime. Surely something can be sorted out with at least a few days notice so the lads can get things/ home life/digs/travel arrangements sorted.:confused:
firstly they may only have been asked to man up that day,secondly its not only aimed at travelling workers. if they want men to start the next day its a good opportunity for local lads.
to be honest jeff you cant beat working for a firm i done a bit of floating on agencies and yep not for me or worse still you get comfortable on a job and told we dont need you any more at 4 oclock!!!!!! at least at a firm they treat you a bit better
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