advice needed


Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
Leigh lancashire
hi guys been erecting a job today on a private dwelling when getting ready to erect the 4th lift on one of the gable ends come across a kestrels nest in a weephole with 5 young in it and have been told that to carry on i could be be breaking the law if it causes any distress to the kestrel and its chicks just wondering if anyone else has come across this scenario before and what should i do carry on or wait till the birds have fledged the nest which could take about six weeks any advice would be much appreciated
It's the clients problem not your's,tell him to give you a ring when he's sorted his nest out,and in the meantime the hire is stacking up;)
Still a common bird-of-prey in most areas of the UK, but the breeding population has suffered
a decline of 25-49% in the last 25 years

Had a job stopped because of Bats, you can be prosecuted if you disturb their nest etc.

Even stopped on a job for slow worms (wait for it) no real slow worm nests, very rare but found in coastal parts of Cornwall. Protected species.

A good mate of mine was a tree surgen, and came across this problem too often. They could not fell any tree's nor even go near them if there were any kinda nest in it.

I agree bigfish, it is the clients problem. I would personally stop topingout as the blame of it would fall directly upon your shoulders mate. The RSPB will prosecute if found out. Not worth it mate to be fair.
have been told that they are a protected species and could be liable to prosecution if causing distress to them but will put it to the client tomorrow to see how he wants to play it
i got a twelveball if you need it!
seriously personally i would stop you can get in a whole heap of **** if you disturb the nest the rspca epa would have a field day jumping your ass into the ground
See site manager or the client if privatly owned tell the owner, these birds could have been there for years and would possibly be noted as part of a family by some twitcher watching you scaffold. Good luck
I had a job stopped due to being a useless b@stard... but never because a Kestrel, lol.
Im sure if you goooooooooooooooooooogle search for the number for the environment agency - they could give you a defo answer.

The preservation of wildlife can be a tricky thing when working.
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