lots of valid comment on here - personally speaking i dont think a 1 day orintation to system is such a bad thing as a addon to our current tckt
the first time i came accross yellow peril was over 20 yrs ago it took me hours to figure out how to reurn it,had to start and stop and tie it together with blue rope when the supervisor came out and laughed at me till he realised there were no return brackets,

the point i'm tring to make is theres not always a manufactures book around, if i'd had a 1 day course i would have known and saved myself hours, similar thing happened when i was first introduced to layer - there are so many componants u can use that i really think youd need instruction/orintation to its full use, in all the years i've been doing this game though i've never come accross the use of system that doesn't need a bit of t&f here & there.. so lets make it easy for all and just revert back to T&F all the time lolo